Giovanni LO CASTRO

Adjunct Professor of CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY [PSIC-04/B ]

Clinical Psychologist with Psychoanalyzed Training, is a member of the World Psychoanalysis Association (AMP) and the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis of the Freudian Field (SLP).
After graduating from the Liceo N. Spedalieri of Catania, he graduated from the University of Padova, where he completed the cycle of academic studies in 1972, discussing, in 1976, an experimental thesis on " The baum test: evolution of the technique and proposal of a processing system. " This thesis was the subject of bibliographical citations.
Since the academic training period he has cared for his cultural and professional growth, participating in study seminars held by illustrious academics and undergoing intense practice internships under the guidance of professional experts. He cared for his training, as a psychotherapist, not only by learning technical skills, but also through a long personal psychoanalytic training.
He acquired his training in psychoanalytic group psychotherapy (Analytical Psychodrama) with psychotherapists of S.I.Ps.A. (Italian Society of Analytical Psychodrama), and S.E.P.T. (Societé Etudes Psicodrame Terapeutique), Paris. It was being analyzed by A. E. of the S. L. P. Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis and the AMP (World Association of Psychoanalysis) - and subjected to supervision and control.
            From 1976 to 1986 he worked as a psychologist-psychotherapist at Catania's "Center for Diagnosis and Therapeutic Therapies", where he was a co-director, and he was able to refine his practical training by practicing at the Psychedelic Center of City of the Child of Acireale, from 1976 to 1982, in charge of the Psychodiagnosis and Psychotherapy Service.
            He has lectured and lectured at numerous cultural institutes, and was interviewed, the quality of a psychologist, by private broadcasters, by R.A.I., and by large-scale magazines.
Winner, in 1986, of a competition for Psychologist Graduate Technician at the Institute of Neurological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Catania, Chair of General Psychopathology, collaborated in the activities of the Chair, providing his contribution to research and didactics.
He currently holds the position of RUC, with a teaching assignment as Professor Aggregate of Clinical Psychology (MPSI / 08) at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and is in charge of the teaching of Clinical Psychology and Clinical Psychology of Deviance at the Degree in Psychology and Psychology Sciences and Techniques.
She teaches at the School of Specialization in Psychiatry, Neurology, Neurosurgery and Pediatrics at the University of Catania and other graduate courses.
His personal interest, in the last period, sees him involved in deepening and researching, from clinical findings and evaluations, new cultural models for defining the role of father and social phenomena related to Transsexualism and the themes inherent in new forms of sexual identification.

Giovanni Lo Castro

Curriculum Vitae Short

Giovanni Lo Castro, a clinical psychologist with psychoanalytical training in psychotherapy, was born in Belpasso (Catania) on 18.4.53 (C.F. LCSGNN53D18A766I).
After graduating from the Liceo N. Spedalieri of Catania, he graduated from the University of Padova, where he completed the cycle of academic studies in 1972, discussing, in 1976, an experimental thesis on " The baum test: evolution of the technique and proposal of a processing system. " This thesis was the subject of bibliographical citations.

Since the academic training period he has cared for his cultural and professional growth, participating in study seminars held by illustrious academics and undergoing intense practice internships under the guidance of professional experts.

He cared for his training, as a psychotherapist, not only by learning technical skills, but also through a long personal psychoanalytic training.
He acquired his training in psychoanalytic group psychotherapy (Analytical Psychodrama) with psychotherapists of S.I.Ps.A. (Italian Society of Analytical Psychodrama), and S.E.P.T. (Societé Etudes Psicodrame Terapeutique), Paris.
It was being analyzed by A. E. of the S. L. P. Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis and the AMP (World Association of Psychoanalysis) - and subjected to supervision and control.
From 1976 to 1986 he worked as a psychologist-psychotherapist at Catania's "Center for Diagnosis and Therapeutic Therapies", where he was a co-director, and he was able to refine his practical training by practicing at the Psychedelic Center of City of the Child of Acireale, from 1976 to 1982, in charge of the Psychodiagnosis and Psychotherapy Service.
He has lectured and lectured at numerous cultural institutes, and was interviewed, the quality of a psychologist, by private broadcasters, by R.A.I., and by large-scale magazines.

Winner, in 1986, of a competition for Psychologist Graduate Technician at the Institute of Neurological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Catania, Chair of General Psychopathology, collaborated in the activities of the Chair, providing his contribution to research and didactics.

He currently holds the position of RUC, with a teaching assignment as Professor Aggregate of Clinical Psychology (MPSI / 08) at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and is in charge of the teaching of Clinical Psychology and Clinical Psychology of Deviance at the Degree in Psychology and Psychology Sciences and Techniques.
She teaches at the School of Specialization in Psychiatry of the University of Catania and in other degree courses.

His personal interest, in the last period, sees him engaged in deepening and researching, from clinical findings and evaluations, new cultural models for defining the role of father and social phenomena associated with Transsexualism.
He has perfected his expertise in the clinical field specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of Anorexia - Bulimia, in the diagnosis and treatment of psychosis and on the effects of new technological tools (internet).



- Classic Maturity, obtained at the N. Spedalieri high school in Catania.

- Degree in Psychology, Applicative Address, at the University of Padua, (1976).

- Registered at the Register of Psychologists in the Region of Sicily (No. 274).

- Registered in the list of psychotherapists of the Order of Psychologists in the Region of Sicily.

- Suitability for Help, obtained in the public competition for qualifications and examinations banned by the Mental Health Services of the Province of Catania.

- Winner of a competition for a post graduate (1986) at the Institute of Neurological Clinic of the University of Catania, assigned to the teaching of General Psychopathology.

- Winner of a Confirmed Researcher Competition, at the Department of Neurosciences of the University of Catania, sector M / PSI08.

- Professor Aggregate of Clinical Psychology (M / PSI-08), since 2002.



- Psychologist Manager, Head of the Clinical and Psychodiagnostic Psychology Clinic, of U. of Neurology and Psychiatry of the University Hospital of Catania.


- AMP (World Psychoanalysis Association).
- SLP (Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis).
- National Council of Professors of Clinical Psychology of Italian Universities.



- Professor of Clinical Psychology, at the degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Catania.

- Professor of Clinical Psychology at Interdisciplinary Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques of Un
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- Professor of Clinical Psychology, at the degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Catania.

- Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Bachelor's degree in Psychology Sciences and Techniques of the University of Catania.

- Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Interactional Degree Course (Catania and Kore of Enna) in Psychological Sciences and Techniques.

- Professor of Clinical Psychology of Deviance, in the Degree Course in Psychology at the University of Catania.

- Psychodiagnostic Professor at the School of Specialization in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology at other schools of specialization at the School of Medicine of the University of Catania.

- Professor of Clinical Psychology at PhD in Physiotherapy.

- Professor of General Psychology and Development in the Laurea Course in Motor Science.

- Professor of Psychodiagnostics and Psychology of Education, in the Degree Course in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technique, University of Catania.

- He already teaches Dependency Psychology, at the Freudian Institute in Rome and Milan.

- Professor of Anthropology and Psychoanalysis, at the Paulo Lemoine Center of Psychotherapy in Palermo and Macerata and Naples.

- He is a professor at the PhD in Psychology at the University of Messina.

Among the publications (2000/2016)

1) John Lo Castro PERVERSION, father / aversion? In Brusa L., Senin F. (edited by) Trauma, abuse and perversion. Theoretical and clinical problems in the treatment of anorexic and bulimic patients. Vol. 4.1, pp. 143-155, Franco Angeli, Milan, 2000.
2) John Lo Castro CUTTING: writing on the body. In M. Recalcati (edited by). The serious cases. Anorexia-bulimia psychoanalytic clinic. Vol. 43, pp. 81-88. Franco Angeli, Milan, 2001.
3) John Castro Body and desire in the civilization of the technique. Reflections for a new body clinic. PSYCHIATRIC TRAINING, vol. 4/2001; p. 367-376, 2002.
4) John Lo Castro Knowledge of Self. What body are you? ANSWERS, vol. XVII, n. 162; p. 37-39. 2002.
5) John Lo Castro THE BIRTH OF WRITING SUPPORT. In Barbuto M. (edited by) Psychoanalysis and body. Ellissi, Naples, 2002, pp. 123-149.
6) Giovanni Lo Castro Psychoanalysis, by Freud after Freud. In AAVV. Integrative Psychiatric Clinical Lessons. Vol. II, pp. 47.57, Psychiatric Training, Catania, 2006.
7) Giovanni Lo Castro Psychoanalysis and anthropology, in M. Focchi (ed.) Think about the present. Psychoanalysis at the time of the crisis, ed. Franco Angeli, Milan, 2006.
8) Giovanni Lo Castro Health and illness in traditional and contemporary societies: the phenomenon of stigma. Ed. CUECM, Catania, 2007, pp. 83/92.
9) Giovanni Lo Castro THE IMPOSSIBLE OF DESIRE: pedophilia, incest, perversion. In La Gaipa F. The monster in the house. Massimo Lombardo publisher, Agrigento, 2007. Pp. 93-127.
10) Giovanni Lo Castro Psychodynamics of fitness practices. In: True S. The uninhabited body. Semiology, phenomenology and fitness psychopathology. Franco Angeli, Milan, 2008, pp. 38-49.
11) Lo Castro G (2013). Object of desire and sexuation. In: (eds): Quattropani M., Lenzo V., Clinical psychology at the Sicilian universities. Research, social, cure ... p. 35-38, BROLO, MESSINA: ARMENIO EDITOR, ISBN: 889655782-8, Brolo (Me), June 24-25, 2011
12) Giovanni Lo Castro The body, the enjoyment, the vicissitudes of sexuation. In Attualità Lacanina, N. 20. January 2015, December 2016, ed. Alpes. pp. 87-90.

13) Giovanni Lo Castro, The angel of human weakness, or the passion of becoming a victim. in Attualità Lacaniana, n. 23, Rosemberge & Sellers, June, 2018. pp. 93-97

Catania giugno 2018

14) Giovanni Lo Castro, I seni di S. Agata, o dell'oggetto estratto, Appunti, rivista della SLP, Febbraio, 2019.

15) Giovanni Lo Castro, La logica del mito e la clinica psicoanalitica dell'insularità tra confinamento e apertura all'alterità, M@GM@, vol. 17, n. 1 Gennaio-Aprile 2019


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Areas of sexual identification and its variations in contemporaneity.

Changes in parenting roles, with particular reference to the father's function.

N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information