
The Department of Education (DI.S.FOR.) welcomes students from all over the world. It has a long international tradition, and it has partner institutions not only in Europe, but also in the U.S.

It has 29 Erasmus Agreements, 2 Agreements of cooperation, and 1 Agreement of collaboration.

The Department offers a wide range of courses in most areas of study in the field of Education.

International students are expected to have a basic knowledge of the Italian language (level A2).  Upon arrival, however, a number of courses will be held at the Scuola di Italiano per Stranieri.

Erasmus Office/ Internationalization Office
It is located on the first floor of the “Verginelle” building.
International Relations Office - University of Catania
Address:Palazzo Sangiuliano, (1st floor) , Piazza Università 16, 95131 Catania

Unict - International

Last updated: 
02/05/2019 - 18:14