Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year - Curriculum Curriculum A - Clinico - Riabilitativo
Teaching Staff: Giovanni LO CASTRO
Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 36 hours
Laboratories: 18 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Provide adequate knowledge of the father's thinking of psychoanalysis and of the evolution of his theory and its applications in the clinic. To be able to formulate a diagnosis and to construct a therapeutic intervention project according to a psychodynamic orientation. Since Freud has put together the biology and the theory of evolution, anthropology and sociology with the clinic of psychic phenomena, we will work to allow students to grasp the complexity of psychic reality, and the logic of the resulting symptom, as well of its manifestation with the "discomfort of civilization". Since psychoanalysis has been constantly evolving, the thought of some of the greatest Freudian posts will be presented, including: Klein, in particular for his work with children, Bion for working with groups and Lacan for his contribution to the understanding of psychosis. In the laboratories it will be possible to compare also with the discussion of clinical cases and to make a significant group therapy experience. Specific attention will be given to the reading, from a psychodynamic perspective, of the changes taking place in our society. ent. From Winnicott to Lacan to Miller: the object relations, the object relation and the relationship with the "object to Zenith". Love and its mutations: the relational use of sex. Contemporary symptoms and the unconscious not removed. The symptom as a subjective treatment of sources of distress. Depression in neurosis and depression in psychosis. Individual or group psychoanalytic treatment: peculiarity and usability. The formation of the psychoanlist and his private role in the institution.

Course Structure

frontal teaching with laboratory

Detailed Course Content

Freud and the discovery of the unconscious. The unconscious of psychoanalysis and that of neuroscience. The human being: his dependence on the Other and the effects of social changes on the individual. From the "patriarchal society" to the "sensa fathers": the new "psychology of the masses". Bion: the maternal function, the schizoparanoid position, the emotional experience of truth and the revision of the Oedipus. Melanie Klein, the "fierce super-ego" of the child and the development of schizophrenic thought: paranoia and depression. Psychoanalysis of children. Work with teenagers and families. Civilization and discomfort: from the "impulse renouncement" to the "unlimited enjoyment". The social super-ego and the individual super-ego: the psychodynamic conception of the functioning of the mind. The combination of civilization and discomfort in the light of social transformations. The relationship: subject-symptom-society. The imperative to enjoyment and related diseases. From the hypothesis: neurosis = sexual repression, perverse use of the body as a response to the social imperative to enjoyment. From Winnicott to Lacan to Miller: the object relations, the object relation and the relationship with the "object to Zenith". Love and its mutations: the relational use of sex. Contemporary symptoms and the unconscious not removed. The symptom as a subjective treatment of sources of distress. Depression in neurosis and depression in psychosis. Individual or group psychoanalytic treatment: peculiarity and usability. The formation of the psychoanlist and his private role in the institution.

Textbook Information


  1. Dalle Opere di S. Freud: Totem e tabu; Il disagio della civiltà; Psicopatologia della vita quotidiana; Aldilà del principio di piacere; Introduzione alla psicoanalisi. Un caso clinico a scelta tra quelli presentati da Freud. (E’ possibile servirsi di qualsiasi edizione.Si consiglia le OSF della Boringhieri, disponibile su internete anche in pdf).
  2. D. Tarizzo, (a cura di). S. Freud, Psicologia delle masse e analisi dell’Io, Einaudi, To.

Il dopo Freud:

3. M. Recalcati, La pratica del colloquio clinico, ed. RaffaelloCortina

  1. AAVV, Civiltà e disagio. Forme contemporanee della psicopatologia. Bruno Mondadori.

5. J. Kristeva, Melanie Klein, Donzelli editore 2006.

6. F. Galimberti, Bion. L’esperienza emotiva della verità, NeP edizioni, 2017.

7- G. e T. Lo Castro Lo psicodramma freudiano di Paul e Genie Lemoine. Dispense

Testi a scelta:

1 F. Dolto, I Vangeli alla luce della psiconalisi, edizioni et. Al. 2014

2 J. A. Miller, Introduzione alla clinica lacaniana, ed. Astrolabio

3 F. Lolli, Prima di essere io, Il vivente il linguaggio, la soggettivazione, ed Hortes 2017

4 N. Purgato, Parole minori. La psicoanalisi e le nuove generazioni. Rosenberg e Selliers, 2017.

Examining the texts indicated, from 1 to 7, it is possible to replace volumes 3 and 4 with volume 2 between the texts chosen. Volume 6 can be replaced by n. 1 and 4 (bring both), among those to be chosen. Volume 4, with 3, among those chosen. The laboratory, mandatory, will also be explored through the experience of the practice of Freudian psychodrama. Being an experience with very strong subjective implication, it will be possible to agree, with the teacher, alternative ways of acquiring training credits.