Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Pedagogical planning models and educational policies

    The aim of the course is to support students in acquiring theoretical and methodological tools in order to

    1) plan, develop and evaluate education projects, learning process and educational interventions

    with specific reference to the relationship between curricular and extra-curricular activities together with the coordination of projects within the local community/context;

    2) develop appropriate skills for planning, coordination, evaluation of specific interventions within educational, re-educational and rehabilitation contexts with the aim of promoting specific methodologies which encourage participatory projects.

  • Evaluation methods and techniques

    The course aims to provide theoretical knowledge and methodological skills aimed at evaluating the characteristics of educational contexts and the effectiveness of training processes. Students and students at the end of the course will have to know the main approaches and evaluation models, techniques and tools suitable for the evaluation of knowledge, skills and competences.

Course Structure

  • Pedagogical planning models and educational policies

    traditional lessons and workshops. All learning activities are not intended to serve as assessment activity for the final grade

  • Evaluation methods and techniques

    Traditional with laboratory exercises, which will have an exclusively educational function (they will affect the didactics, not the final grade).

Detailed Course Content

  • Pedagogical planning models and educational policies

    Through a critical pedagogical and comparative analysis, the aim of the course is to investigate and explore topics related to the theoretical foundations, the epistemological models and the main practises that inform the planning and the design of educational interventions. This course covers topics such as epistemological and methodological issues for educational planning, educational policy issues with specific reference to development processes and motives driving the educational choices

  • Evaluation methods and techniques

    They will be the subject of discussion and analysis: approaches and models of the evaluation of educational quality, with particular reference to the scholastic context; evaluation of educational systems with comparative approaches; the evaluation of university education and training; the evaluation theory according to Dewey. Furthermore, examples of research, experiences and evaluative tools applied in different educational contexts will be presented.

Textbook Information

  • Pedagogical planning models and educational policies

    1) Tomarchio M., Sapere scegliere apprendere, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno editore, 2009 (p. 100);
    2) Traverso A. , Metodologia della progettazione educativa. Competenza, strumenti e contesti, Roma, Carocci, 2016 (pp.170)
    3) Leone L. - Prezza M., Costruire e valutare progetti nel sociale, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2003 (da p. 9 a p. 152);

    4) Strongoli R., Metafora e pedagogia. Modelli educativo-didattici in prospettiva ecologica, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2017 (p.150);

  • Evaluation methods and techniques

    Bondioli A., Ferrari M. (a cura di), Manuale di valutazione del contesto educativo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2006, pp. 393

    Dewey J. , Theory of Valuation, Chicago, 1939, tr. it. Teoria della valutazione, La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1960. Il testo sarà fornito in formato digitale sulla piattaforma Studium

    Corsini C., Strongoli R. C. (a cura di), Valutare il tirocinio universitario, Cuecm, Catania 2017, pp. 132.