Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year - Curriculum Educazione ambientale e territorio
Teaching Staff: Maria TOMARCHIO
Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 54 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to explain the main structures and concepts of environmental education and demonstrate an understanding of how to use them in critical ways in different contexts. Students will (a) demonstrate an understanding of the reciprocity between culture and one?s environment as a fundamental element of humanity and inclusion in the democratic process and (b) acquire the theoretical and practical tools to develop coherent educational models and plans in different areas including teaching, re-education, and vocational training to reconcile the various needs within an ecosystem for the development and wellness of various territorial contexts (local, regional, national, European).

Detailed Course Content

The course will address the following content:

· The meaning of the relationship between man and the environment within contemporary pedagogical reflection; models and theories of the study of the environment; and the metaphor of cultivation as an educational and teaching practice to lean the rules that regulate life.

· The complexity and specificity of the skills in the fields of environmental education and sustainable development, within the major context of educative and rehabilitative practices.

· The value of being biologically and culturally unique in a perspective of integration and inclusion whose aim is to promote intercultural dialogue, environmental protection, social and legal cohesion, and active democratic citizenship

Supplementary activities will be dedicated to the following laboratory: la decrescita prima della decrescita.

Textbook Information

1) M. Tomarchio, G. D'Aprile, La terra come luogo di cura educativa. Metafore e tracce nel tempo, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno, 2014 (p.155);

2) A. Traverso, Metodologia della progettazione educativa. Competenza, strumenti e contesti, Roma, Carocci, 2016 (p.170);

3) F. Frabboni, F. Pinto Minerva, Una scuola per il Duemila. L’avventura del conoscere tra banchi e mondi ecologici, Palermo, Sellerio editore, 2014 (p.189);

4) F. Bertolino, A. Piccinelli, A. Perazzone, Extraterrestri in campagna, Mantova, Negretto Editore, 2012 (p. 213);