Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year - Curriculum Educazione ambientale e territorio, insegnamento
Teaching Staff: Rosa Loredana CARDULLO
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course of Moral Theories and Applied Ethics is divided into two distinct but interrelated moments: 1) the history of moral philosophy, from its origins to nowadays; 2) the so-called applied ethics, that is those disciplines that arise from the application of moral theories and principles in particular areas of human existence related to life (bios) and in general to the living world.

The course aims to deepen the moral aspect of philosophical reflection of all time, making understand and also verify the importance of the origins of such reflection, which constitute the roots and the foundations of every contemporary reflection. In addition to historical-theoretical knowledge, the student will acquire a clear and firm awareness of the most problematic and crucial phenomena of our times, on which moral philosophy reflects, from medical bioethics to business ethics, from gender ethics to ecology.

Course Structure

The first part of the course will traditionally be carried out through frontal lessons that will cross the history of moral philosophy, from its beginnings (VI-V century BC) up to the so-called practical philosophies (Philosophy for Children, Socratic Dialogue, Counseling, Café Philo).

In the second part of the course, conducted in seminar mode, students will have the opportunity to actively participate in the deepening of applied ethics, through the presentation of individual or group work, power point or other.

Detailed Course Content

From the text of Antonio Da Re:

The good life and the knowledge of the good. Happiness and virtue (from Socrates to Plotinus).

The good and the virtues. Freedom and will (from Agostino to Duns Scotus).

Ethics and politics (from Machiavelli to Thomas More).

Good and supreme good. The motive of moral action. The moral duty and the test of universalization (from Descartes to Mill).

The problem of moral autonomy (from Hegel to Nietzsche)

Reason and feeling (from Moore to MacIntyre).

The ethics of responsibility (from Weber to Jonas).

Analytical meta-ethics.

From the text of Adriano Fabris:

The various expressions of applied ethics (from bioethics to animalistic ethics)

Textbook Information

1. Antonio Da Re, Filosofia morale. Storia, teorie, argomenti, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2008 or Pearson, Milano-Torino 2018 (no previous editions)

2. Adriano Fabris, Etiche applicate. Una guida, Carocci, Roma 2018.