Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Maria TOMARCHIOExpected Learning Outcomes
To develop the ability to elaborate in conceptual form and to submit to critical analysis themes characterizing the contemporary pedagogical debate, in order to the traits of an identity of pedagogy that, in a scientific key, highlights both the multiplicity of interactions and declinations, and the specificity in well-founded directions of original meaning.
To develop the ability to observe, reflect and make an independent judgement about the places of Education (subjects, contexts, knowledge) as they are configured and interact in the context of contemporary cultures, and specifically around the dimensions characterizing the educational action related to the kindergarten and to primary school, furthermore around teacher and educational professionalism in the school context.
To develop the ability to observe and analyze educational processes regarding childhood, the overview of services and professionalism aimed at it, and to the role of the school in the social context.
To be able to identify and promote the rights
of children and adolescents, also through knowledge of the text of the
Convention on the Right of the Child.
The expected objectives are, as follows,
traceable to the Dublin descriptors:
DD1 - Knowledge of the thematic cores of general and childhood pedagogy; - Knowledge of the theorical models and methodological approaches of general pedagogy and childhood pedagogy; - Knowledge of the terms of the contemporary pedagogical debate on emerging educational issues; - Knowledge of the basic disciplinary lexicon specific to pedagogical knowledge and its correct use.
DD2 – Knowledge of how to observe and interpret contexts of childhood educational life in a pedagogical perspective; - To be able to to bring the interpretation of educational practices back to theorical and methodological reference frameworks.
DD3 - To be able to bring together, within a framework of conceptual synthesis, the different approaches of the theories of education; - To understand and critically select texts and sources of the pedagogical area and to be able to refer them to different educational contexts;
DD4 – To be able to socialize the results of one's own study using a specialized language; - To be able to refer educational goals and means to specific contexts and situations.
DD5 - Ability to re-work the acquired concepts in a personal and critical way; - To be able to promote self-evaluation actions of one's own learning, oriented towards the development of professional action.
Course Structure
Required Prerequisites
Analyzing and thinking skills
Attendance of Lessons
Discretionary, but recommended
Detailed Course Content
The course of General and Childhood Pedagogy proposes the investigation and critical reflection on the 'places' of education, and furthermore subjects, contexts, knowledges, as they are configured, they interact, they are produced and they reproduced, in the framework of contemporary cultures and with particular reference to the world of kindergarten and primary school. Epistemological, methodological and social issues will be discussed, as well as in-depth issues relating to the characteristics of a oriented project towards educational professionalism in childcare services,regarding the specificity of pedagogical reflection in the context of the relationships between logic and ethics, and relating to the cognitive sphere and the social domain. Other subject macter to be discussed will be: of he text of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Adolescenc; the thought and work of the following educators: C. Freinet, Mario Lodi, Lorenzo Milani.
Textbook Information
F. Frabboni, F. Pinto Minerva, Manuale di pedagogia e didattica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2013 (da p. 4 a p. 81, da p.255 a p.320);
- Simeone (a cura di), Dizionario di Pedagogia generale e sociale, Brescia, Morcelliana, 2024, le seguenti voci: Accoglienza, Apprendimento situato, Consulenza pedagogica, Contesto, Crescita, Crisi, Disagio educativo, Insegnante, Narrazione, Politica, Riflessività, Sapere pedagogico, Solidarietà, Spazio, Supervisione pedagogica.
- Convenzione sui diritti dell'Infanzia e l'adolescenza (Gazzetta Ufficiale 11 giugno 1991), Protocolli opzionali, Osservazioni conclusive del Comitato all’Italia sui diritti dell’infanzia.
Fiorucci, Loiodice, Ladogana (a cura di), Scuola, democrazia, partecipazione e cittadinanza in occasione dei 100 anni dalla nascita di Mario Lodi, Lecce, Pensa MultiMedia Editore 2023, da pag.30 a pag.97 e da pag. 117 a pag. 176.
- Scelta antologica di testi a cura del docente tratti da:
C. Freinet, I detti di Matteo. Una moderna pedagogia del buon senso, Firenze, La Nuova Italia editrice, 1973;
M. Lodi, Cominciare dal bambino, Bur Rizzoli, 2022;
Lettere di Don Lorenzo Milani, priore di Barbiana, a cura di Michele Gesualdi, prefazione di Mario Pancera, Oscar Mondadori.
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
The achieved knowledges will be evaluated through an individual oral interview. The examinees, in case of need related to their number, will be divided into several days, beforehand when possible, on the basis of the received reservations. In this case, the scheduling will be appropriately advertised.
During the individual interview, the following will be ascertained: the adequacy of knowledges; the thematic breadth and organic nature of the treatment; lexical correctness with reference to contents and methods; the ability to critically re-elaborate knowledge; the ability to organize knowledge according to specific objectives; the ability to relate knowledge to operational contexts.
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
Pedagogy between theory and practice, science and utopia; The paradigm of pedagogical problematicism; educational agencies; the fundamental principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.