Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year - Curriculum Curriculum B - Giuridico-Sociale - Istituzionale
Teaching Staff: Giovanni LO CASTRO
Credit Value: 9
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

What is normal and what is not ? The question of deviance from the norm is the crucial starting point to define some human characteristics, among them the relationship with sexuality . It will be discussed the feminist issues and aspects of his stay in our historical moment and the issues associated with male homosexuality and female sexuality and the afterlife . The enigma of the enjoyment " normal" and " perverse " , the "sex addiction " and the use of the body in society " post - human " . The recent discoveries of neuroscience and their relationship with psychology and psychoanalysis , will allow a better understanding of " the enigma of pleasure . "

Textbook Information

  1. - Vitelli R. e Valerio P. (a cura di), Sesso e genere: uno sguardo tra storia e nuove prospettive. Liguori Editore, Na. 2012. p. 315.
  2. - Ansermet F. Magistretti P. Gli enigmi del piacere. Bollati-Boringhieri, Mi. 2012. P. 172
  3. - Mambrini L. Lacan e il femminismo contemporaneo. Quodlibet studio, Mc. 2010. P. 140
  4. - Bauman Z. Dessals G. Il ritorno del pendolo. Ed. Erikson, Trento.126


Un testo a scelta tra:

- Lolli F. L’epoca dell’inconshow, ed Mimesis. - Recalcati M. - L’uomo senza inconscio. Raffaello Cortina editore, Mi. 2008. Cap. 1-10 pp. 190.