Academic Year 2015/2016 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff
  • Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences: Santo DI NUOVO
  • INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE: Teacher not yet allocated
Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: INF/01 - INFORMATICS
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences

    The course provides the basic elements for the study of the mind through the current neuroscientific disciplines.

    The goal is to present the links between neuroscience, psychology and its applications, especially in the field of cognitive neurorehabilitation.


    The module of cognitive psychology and neuroscience (prof. Di Nuovo) will deal with the relationship between cognitive psychology, neuroscience and simulations, in a multi-disciplinary integration that characterizes cognitive science. The following topics will be deepened:

    - The transition from the cognitive psychology to connectionism and modularism.

    - The genetics and epigenetics in the explanation of cognitive, emotional and social aspects of the mind

    - The applications of neuroscience to the study of mental illness, economics, aesthetics, morality and religion

    - The consciousness, from basic attention to self-awareness

    - The development of language and other cognitive functions and the possibility of simulating in a perspective of 'artificial life'

    - The applications of simulation technologies of education (edutainment) and soft skills (Role games)

    - The use of 'assistive robotics' in the rehabilitation of neurodevelopmental disorders and cognitive deterioration.


    The issues of Artificial Intelligence will be addressed in the module held by prof. Cutello, with reference to the historical aspects, to the methodology, and to the main applications.

    The module held by prof. Coco is focused on the location of neuroscience in the history of sciences and on the relationship with the history of philosophy. These issues include in particular:

    - The importance of a critical approach and epistemological study of the mind;

    - The naturalization of mental processes: instincts, behavioral patterns and optimization models;

    - The theory of complexity and the models of mind, even in an evolutionary approach;

    - The evolutionary function of emotions;

    - The gender diversity.

Textbook Information

  • Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences

    For the module of cognitive psychology and neuro science:

    Di Nuovo S., “Prigionieri delle neuroscienze?” – Giunti 2014

    Aa.Vv., “Vita naturale, vita artificiale” – , F. Angeli 2015

    Specific materials on the topics covered in the laboratory by prof. Coco will be shown on the website of the Department.

    For the module INF/01 the text n. 2 will be useful; the teacher will place on the website useful materials for the study of the history of Artificial Intelligence, its multidisciplinary grounding, and formal logic; and will give guidance on their use for the examination.