Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year - Curriculum Curriculum B - Giuridico-Sociale - Istituzionale
Teaching Staff: Silvia Maria Rita PLATANIA
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The objectives of the teaching are the achievement of theoretical and applicative knowledge inherent to the sports psychologist and the contribution of the psychologist as a figure who works in this field. The Sports Psychologist is an adequately trained professional figure who is able to enhance the cognitive, emotional and behavioral processes that influence the performance of humans, athletes and teams in the motor, sports and management context. The purpose of this course will therefore be to provide the student with useful tools on how to analyze and optimize their own and others' performance, increasing the well-being of the individual.

Course Structure

The teaching will focus on the following main contents:

The motivational processes; self-efficacy, anxiety and persistence; interpersonal communication and its effects; managing emotions; construction of the goal; techniques and methods of intervention; the goal-setting; performance, resilience and self-esteem; group processes; group cohesion and leadership; activation and performance: the state of flow; difference between competitive sports and non-competitive sports; difference between team sports and individual sports; self talk interventions for the psychological recovery of the injured athlete.

Textbook Information

1) Cei Alberto (2021). Fondamenti di psicologia dello sport. Bologna: il Mulino

2) Handouts by the teacher