Academic Year 2020/2021 - 2° Year - Curriculum Curriculum B - Giuridico-Sociale - Istituzionale
Teaching Staff: Sabrina CASTELLANO
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

To make the psychologist, after appropriate experience in the field, suitable to lend his professional activity as a Surveyor, or Technical Consultant, or Technical Consultant of the Part, to be auxiliary of the Public Prosecutor in investigations concerning "weak" subjects, to be technical assistance to law firms and to specialists in forensic medicine; legal training is an important cultural advantage for those who want to become an honorary magistrate in the Juvenile Courts and in other locations where this figure is envisaged.

Detailed Course Content

• Italian judicial system

• Forensic psycology (aims and tools)

• Application fields

• Psicologist's job

• Psycometric tools

Textbook Information

• Di Nuovo S., Xibilia A., L’esame psicologico in campo giudiziario. Bonanno, 2008

• Xibilia A., Di Nuovo S., Il diritto e la mente - elementi di psicologia giuridico-forense; Euno edizioni 2012