Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: STEFANIA RIMINI

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Knowledge and understanding
Know the main topics of the course and understand the theoretical concepts 
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
Express interdisciplinary considerations starting from the different approaches on film induced tourism
3) Autonomy of judgment
Integrate the knowledge of the course and formulate interpretative hypotheses on the proposed case studies
4) Communication skills
Development of the specialized lexicon referring to the proposed field of study
5) Learning skill 
Autonomy in the recognition of bibliographic sources and in the integration of contents

Course Structure

lectures, workshops, guided tours

Required Prerequisites

Ability to analyse an audiovisual text

Attendance of Lessons

not mandatory

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to promote the study of the cultural impact of cinema and television in the tourist promotion of places. The analysis of the most interesting cases of so-called film induced tourism will allow to understand how much the artistic imaginary can become a marketing and territorial promotion tool thanks also to the mediation of Film Commissions. The methodological approach combines theoretical elements typical of Film studies with geographical, economic and sociological issues, offering students a range of skills that can be spent in different fields (tourism design, cultural planning, media analysis).

Textbook Information

Giulia Lavarone, Cinema, media e turismo. Esperienze e prospettive teoriche del film-induced tourism, Padova UNiversity Press, 2016

Enrico Nicosia (a cura di), La Sicilia di celluloide. Dall'archeologia del set al cineturismo, Franco Angeli, 2022

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1cineturismo: campi di applicazione per la progettazione culturale

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

For the assessment of the examination, account will be taken of the candidate's command of the content and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical propriety, as well as his or her ability to argue through the development of a project or an oral test.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

cinema and landscape - seriality and tourist sites - cinematic imagery and cultural consumption - Sicilian sets between cinema and TV series