Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: SILVIA MARIA RITA PLATANIA

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Deepen their understanding of the theories relating to the subjectivity of people at work in organisations, especially concerning motivation, job satisfaction and the resulting well-being; 2) Be able to learn and use the various methodologies applied to the individual, groups and organisations by virtue of personal and social change. 

To this end, students are expected at the end of the learning pathway to be able to: know the main psychological approaches to training and professional development; be able to grasp and manage the main relational dynamics occurring in organisational and training contexts; know and understand the relationships between training and development development; know how to manage communication and conflict management training pathways with a view to organisational adaptation (in terms of climate perception) and professional development.

Course Structure

Frontal/traditional teaching

Required Prerequisites


Attendance of Lessons

not mandatory but highly recommended

Detailed Course Content

The programme will be structured taking into account the analysis and in-depth study of the following points: 

1) vocational orientation referring specifically to the professional personality in work environments, career construction and social cognitive career;

 2) learning and training in organisations by analysing in particular the acquisition and construction of professional competences; 

3) the training process, needs analysis, learning and organisational training; 

4) analysis and use of the main tools related to career guidance.

5) Counselling in organisations

Textbook Information

1) Massimo Bellotto, Riccardo Sartori (2021). Pensare e fare formazione psicosociale. Collana metodo pagg. 330 

2) Edgar Schein (2017). L'arte della consulenza. Come aiutare davvero e più velocemente. Guerini next pagg.220

Supplementary handouts by the lecturer

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1process counselling
2the psychosocial counseling
3Training group
4interventions method
5organisational change

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

- the meaning of training

- the training group

- intervention methods

- process counselling

-intervention research

- training groups

- conflicts in organisations

- organisational change