Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: VALENTINA LUCIA LA ROSA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course is designed to provide an in-depth overview of the cognitive, emotional, and social development of the individual across the life cycle through the study and integration of classical and modern theories of developmental psychology. The primary goal is to foster the ability to use developmental theories as interpretive tools to analyze and address contemporary issues that characterize the various stages of the life cycle.
Ample space will be devoted to exploring new trends in applied research, with a focus on the challenges of typical and atypical development. At the end of the course, students will be able to apply these theories to understand the interactions between cognition, emotion, and social development, using them as keys to complex situations in contemporary reality.

Course Structure

The course will be conducted through lectures with tutorials. There will be time for class discussion and debate.

Required Prerequisites

Adequate knowledge of the fundamentals of developmental and educational psychology is required. 

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged, as the lectures are designed as moments of critical discussion and in-depth study of the topics included in the program. Active participation is therefore important for a better understanding of the topics covered and provides an opportunity to discuss and clarify content in an interactive context.

Detailed Course Content

The program includes the study and in-depth study of the following topics:

  • Classical and ecological theories of development: toward a new perspective on human development
  • Attachment theory: origins and contemporary paradigms
  • Early mother-child interaction and the role of the relationship in psychological development
  • The development of attachment in early life: between relationship and cognition
  • The role of attachment bonds to primary caregivers in the child's socio-cognitive development
  • The relationship with caregivers in childhood and adolescence
  • Application contexts of attachment theory: pregnancy and postpartum, prematurity and neonatal intensive care, adoption, neurodevelopmental disorders, and special educational needs
  • Developmental trajectories and resilience factors during the pandemic of COVID-19
  • Being an adolescent today: social challenges and transitions
  • Becoming an adult: the new phase of emerging adulthood
  • Challenges in the years of stability
  • New emerging research themes in developmental psychology

Contribution of teaching to the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The course aims to promote students' in-depth study and reflection on the following goals under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development:

GOAL 4: QUALITY EDUCATION - Ensure quality, equitable, and inclusive education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

  • Target 4.2: By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early child development, necessary care, and access to preschool so that they are ready for primary education
  • Target 4.7: By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development through, among other things, education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and nonviolence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and culture's contribution to sustainable development
  • Target 4.a: Build and adapt school facilities so that they are appropriate for children's needs, disability, and gender differences and provide safe, nonviolent, inclusive, and effective learning environments for all

GOAL 5: GENDER EQUALITY - Achieve gender equality and empowerment (greater strength, self-esteem, and awareness) of all women and girls

  • Target 5.1: End all forms of discrimination against all women, girls and young women everywhere
  • Target 5.c: Adopt and strengthen concrete policies and enforceable laws for the promotion of gender equality and empowerment, i.e., strength, self-esteem, and awareness of all women, girls, and children at all levels

Specific thematic insights will be provided during classes to promote students' awareness of these goals. 

Textbook Information

  1. Commodari, E. L’abbraccio che crea. Lo sviluppo socio-cognitivo tra teoria e prassi. Franco Angeli, 2022. ISBN: 8835138167 (to be studied in full for a total of pp. 123, excluding index, introduction and references).
  2. Kloep, M., Hendry, L. B., Sica, L. S., Aleni Sestito, L. Lo sviluppo nel ciclo di vita. Cambiamenti, sfide e transizioni. Il Mulino, 2021 (chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9, total pp. 105). ISBN: 9788815293725. The digital version is available on the platform.
  3. Scientific articles on some of the most recent research trends in developmental psychology will be made available by the teacher on the Studium platform. For the exam, students will be required to select one of the proposed articles to explore a specific research topic.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Classical and ecological theories of development: toward a new perspective on human developmentHandouts provided by the teacher on Studium platform
2Attachment theory: origins and contemporary paradigmsTextbook n. 1
3Early mother-child interaction and the role of relationship in psychological developmentTextbook n. 1
4The development of attachment in the early years of life: between relationship and cognitionTextbook n. 1
5The role of attachment bonds to primary caregivers in the child's social-cognitive developmentTextbook n. 1
6Relationships with caregivers in childhood and adolescenceTextbook n. 1
7Contexts for application of attachment theory: pregnancy and postpartum, prematurity and neonatal intensive care, adoption, neurodevelopmental disorders, and special educational needs.Textbook n. 1
8Being an adolescent today: social challenges and transitionsTextbook n. 2, chapters 4 and 5
9Becoming an adult: the new phase of emerging adulthoodTextbook n. 2, chapter 6
10The challenges of the stability yearsTextbook n. 2, chapter 7
11Emerging research topics in developmental psychologyTextbook n. 2, chapter 9 and articles provided by the teacher on the Studium platform

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The examination will be oral. The final examination may be supplemented by the results of individual or group class exercises scheduled by the instructor. Participation in such exercises is not compulsory.

In the case of a blended or distance learning course, necessary modifications may be made to the above to ensure compliance with the program outlined in the syllabus.

In order to guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with current legislation, students enrolled in CINAP who need to do so may contact the teacher by e-mail or in person during class (in any case before half of the scheduled class hours have elapsed) in order to agree on any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures based on the educational objectives and specific needs.

The evaluation criteria adopted for the verification of learning are as follows:

  • Adequacy of expression in terms of content and method
  • Breadth of thematic awareness and lexical correctness
  • Capacity for critical inquiry
  • Ability to make interdisciplinary connections
  • Ability to revise knowledge
  • Ability to transfer knowledge to operational contexts

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The questions will vary in difficulty: some will be fundamental to passing the exam, while other more in-depth questions will be useful for aspiring to the higher grade bands. Please note the importance of what has already been outlined in the previous section, namely 1) the adequacy of expression in terms of content and methods, 2) the ability to revise knowledge, 3) the ability to organize theoretical knowledge according to specific objectives, 4) the breadth of thematic awareness and lexical correctness, and 5) the ability to critically deepen, interrelate, and transfer knowledge acquired at the theoretical level to practical and operational contexts.

Some examples of questions are given below by way of illustration only. Bear in mind that the exam will cover all the topics listed in the syllabus, that this list is not exhaustive, and that it does not include all the possible questions on which the exam will focus. Many other questions are common even though they are not listed.

Examples of questions:

  • The role of caregivers in cognitive, emotional, and social development
  • Attachment during pregnancy and postpartum
  • Secure and insecure attachment during adolescence
  • Attachment and specific learning disabilities
  • How is attachment constructed in the context of adoption?
  • What are the new challenges of adolescence today?
  • Who are emerging adults?