Academic Year 2015/2016 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff: Silvia Maria Rita PLATANIA
Credit Value: 7
Taught classes: 30 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

The program will follow these points: 1) vocational guidance, referring specifically to the personality professional working in the fields, the construction of the career and social cognitive career; 2) understanding and training in organizations with particular regard learning and improving skills, the training process and the analysis of needs and learning and organizational training; 3) analysis and use of the main instruments related to career guidance.

Textbook Information

A) Lessons

1) Di Fabio A. (2009). Manuale di Psicologia dell’Orientamento e del Career Counseling nel XXI secolo. Firenze: Giunti O.S.(capp.1,2,3,5,8,10,11,12,13, Appendice B, tot. 150 pp. circa)

2) Fraccaroli F. (2007). Apprendimento e Formazione nelle Organizzazioni. Bologna: Il Mulino. (tutti i capitoli ad esclusione del 6°, 250 pp. circa).

B) Laboratory

For non-attending students:

1) Di Nuovo S. (2007). Dalla Formazione al Lavoro. Ipotesi e Strumenti di Orientamento Professionale (pag. 67-161).

The realization of hands-on lab that will be interested in the model and tools discussed in previous lessons.