Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year - Curriculum Unico
Teaching Staff: Paolina MULE'
Credit Value: 10
Taught classes: 60 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

In this perspective, the course aims to: - Define the knowledge and the multiple practices of the narrative tradition; - Reflect on the concepts of storytelling and education designed not only as words but as the evident pedagogical sense experiences; - Reflect on writing himself or others, for proposing the language of speech, writing, image; - Further research as fruitful lines of development if the source meets the qualitative paradigms and narrative; - Analysis of educational theories in a new and constructive relationship between teaching and narrative, between action and discourse; - Present the reference debate about the differences between pedagogy, general didactics and disciplinary teaching in secondary schools; - Reflect on disciplinary skills in job training; - Analyze the projects to raise the educational quality of skills required to achieve both objectives and targets in the school, which in the training, educational and social agencies in the territory; - Consider educational planning as a central moment of each training action; - To analyze the aspects of work credited as 'cultural places' where the organizational actors learn from each other and produce knowledge; - Investigate the relationship between training and work standards and reference models; - Investigate the theoretical and methodological devices to the functional understanding of the work and learning understood as social experiences linked together.

Detailed Course Content

In this course we want to deepen the theories and methodological lines of knowledge and many of the narrative tradition practices, which always intersect more with educational ones. The narration and education are two categories that represent not only the obvious pedagogical sense m also experiences that appear together in both the public and private life, as in school activities, in educational services, nursing and therapeutic. This implies that education is also a place and discursive and design space in which the subject person is speaking Himself through their actions, reinforcing increasingly professional self. It follows that any day, any interpersonal situation, can become the time and just and favorable site: to learn or to tell, to write himself or others, to propose the languages ​​of the word, of writing, of the images, to learn through stories, to educate narrating; to discover that each of us exists, works, thinks as narrator and educator.

Textbook Information

  1. Demetrio Duccio, Educare è narrare. Le teorie, le pratiche, la cura, Mimesis 2012, pp. 1- 320 (soltanto alcuni capitoli che saranno indicati nel corso della prima lezione)
  2. Mulè Paolina , Pedagogia, didattica e cultura umanistica. L’ insegnante per una nuova scuola europea, Anicia, Roma 2015, pp. 1- 281
  3. Fabbri Loretta, Didattica e metodologie quantitative. Verso una didattica narrativa, La Scuola, Brescia 2003, pp. 1-144
  4. Gulisano Daniela, La formazione professionale e l’apprendistato nella ricerca educativa, Ragazzi In Volo, Catania, 2013 , pp. 1- 133
  5. Fabbri Loretta, Le pratiche professionali. Progettazione e apprendimento nei contesti lavorativi, Carocci, Roma 2012, pp. 1- 176