Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: DONATELLA STEFANIA PRIVITERA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to examine and interpret the complex relationship between food, environment and tourism, with a focus on the relationship between Geography and food. Food, with its variety of meanings, is a topic of great interdisciplinary interest, involving geographical, technical-economic, health, cultural and political aspects. The course explores different areas: Made in Italy as the promotion of food and wine products and territories, the landscapes generated by food, the social and cultural implications of the space-food relationship, sustainability, the prevention of food waste, and the role of communities in the food context. Through an interdisciplinary methodological approach, the course analyzes the changes in the territorial system related to food and tourism, also identifying the destinations preferred by food and wine tourists.

Course Structure

There are frontal lessons, work groups, in-depth seminars held by professionals and academics, intermediate checks and field applications such as visits to places in the local territory, meetings with operators. If for contingent problems the teaching is given in mixed or distance mode, necessary variations may be introduced with respect to what was stated.

Required Prerequisites

An interdisciplinary connection capacity is required, in particular with the acquired knowledge of economic, anthropological and sociological disciplines, with adequate technical linguistic expression regarding the contents.

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

The contents of the course concern aspects related to food, territory and Geography in particular the promotion of made in Italy, its landscape and its products even those certified (Doc, IGP, etc).

In addition, the course aims not only to illustrate the products of made in Italy, but also to outline the characteristics of the territories of which they are expression, highlighting the aspects that will make it possible to encourage tourism, creating a synergy between local products, the environment and historical-artistic, architectural, archaeological, landscape relevance. For this purpose, the final part of the course will be dedicated to the preparation of naturalistic, historical, cultural and food and wine itineraries that students will present during intermediate tests. In addition, the Course examines multidimensional aspects of food and wine tourism concerning operators e.g. restaurants and other food suppliers, changes and challenges in consumer eating habits and trends.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

During the didactic semester of frontal lessons, there is a written trial and/or a written/oral final test with interactive presentations in work groups and/or individual. During the exam sessions, the tests will be oral. The student's evaluation is assigned according to the mastery of the topics, the exhibition skills, knowledge of the disciplinary lexicon, critical insights and relative capacity for applied understanding. In addition, the ability to interact in work groups and participation in seminars and workshops organized during the educational semester will be added value.