Academic Year 2021/2022 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 15
Taught classes: 108 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    The teaching of Modern History has the final objective of allowing the student to develop adequate skills of analysis and interpretation of cultural (and aesthetic) processes in their historical dimension, together with the knowledge and analysis of the cultural and literary heritage, and ability to apply the knowledge gained in the academic field to the public or private operational reality. In particular, the Modern History course aims to provide students with a good knowledge of the main factors of the modern age (events / processes, ideas / keywords, tools, institutions). Through the study of the proposed materials, the student will have acquired knowledge relating to modern history (notions, concepts, vocabulary) fundamental for a study path dedicated to the territory and, in particular, to the beautiful cultures of southern Italy, useful for a work activity in the tourism sector.

  • Modulo: Contemporary History

    This course will provide you an understanding of the historical roots of today’s most critical cultural, political and social issues, as a part of a global history. Besides, it twill deepen History of the Tourism..

Course Structure


    The course will be divided into lectures and in-depth seminars.

  • Modulo: Contemporary History

    Lectures with projection of audiovisual documents. Attending students will carry out an ongoing test.

Detailed Course Content


    The course will provide the student with an adequate basic preparation relating to general history between the late fifteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Particular attention will be paid to political history, without neglecting demographic dynamics, agriculture and land regimes, crafts, corporations and the domestic rural system, commercial and financial development, the social structure of the Ancien regime, forms government, the Enlightenment, Churches and States, cities, international relations, the crisis of the Ancien regime.

  • Modulo: Contemporary History

    Italian, European and World History from 1860 to the present. The great issues of contemporary history from the “Age of Revolutions” to the globalization age. The Nation-State: Germany and Italy. Nationalism and Imperialism. Industrialisation and political change 1870-1914. The World War I. Postwar and revolution. Fascism and communism. The 1929 crisis and his consequences. The World War Two. The Cold War. The “Golden Age”. The Cultural and Social Revolution. Welfare State and citizenship. The European integration. From the Oil Crisis to 1989. The fall of the Berlin wall and it’s consequences. Changes and conflicts in a global world. Historical research methods. History of Tourism.

Textbook Information


    Institutional part:

    Students will use the following manual:

    1) Raffaele AJELLO, Civiltà moderna. Lineamenti storici e problemi italiani, Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici press, Napoli 2018.

    2) AA.VV., Storia moderna, Roma, Donzelli, 1998; cap. I - III - VI - VII - X - XI - XII - XIII - XVI - XVIII - XIX - XX - XXI - XXII - XXIII

    Monographic part:

    Roberto Tufano, Illuminismo e governamentalità. Riformismo e dispotismo da Filippo V a Ferdinando IV, Roma, Aracne 2018

  • Modulo: Contemporary History

    Monina, Motta, Pavone, Taviani, Processo storico, vol. 3, Dal Novecento a oggi, Loescher, Torino 2017.

    In this textbook the texts of the chapters, boxes and the insights included in the pages of each chapter are to be studied (Interpretare le fonti, Storia della cultura, Storia della società, Ingrandimenti, ecc.) and the insights on the films (Dalla storia alle storie). On the other hand, it is not necessary to study all the texts between chapter and chapter or at the end of the Unità (Organizzare le informazioni, Visualizzare le informazioni, Confrontare le interpretazioni, Verificare le conoscenze, Laboratorio delle competenze, Simulazione dell'esame di Stato, Essere Cittadini, ecc.).

    P. Battilani, Vacanze di pochi, vacanze di tutti. L'evoluzione del turismo europeo. Il Mulino.