Academic Year 2020/2021 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Anna Maria LEONORA
Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 54 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course has two objectives: the first, explicit, aims to provide the student with the main foundations of sociology as a science that studies society, social phenomena and the dynamics of change. This objective is reflected in the basic module (reference text n.1) designed to make students acquire the fundamental concepts and themes of general sociology. The second objective is to offer a compass of themes and definitions of tourist phenomena and their continuous transformation in relation to the dynamics of social change. For this reason it proposes a specialized in-depth reading on topics of your choice (reference texts 2, 3, 4,5) aimed at providing a more specific knowledge of the sociology of tourism. Finally, the focus on innovation as a sociological category will remain the red thread of the course of lectures, exercises and debates (carried out in person or remotely) within which further in-depth materials and support to the students will be shared.

Course Structure

The course will provides (in variable number depending on the needs) lectures, lessons-laboratory and tests (optional but recommended) in itinere (one for each module of the program). The examination programme in itinere is organized in the form of test consisting of 15 questions on topics contained in texts with multiple response option of which only one is correct. The in itinere test can be supported by all the members, even those not attending the lecture course as long as they communicate their intentions to the teacher in good time: this for logistical and organizational reasons. The result is in 30ths and is for an academic year. The result is communicated to each student individually during the oral examination and integrated by a verification of the tests themselves and by a conversation about one of the topics covered in the tests in progress (if supported). Special needs, with respect to the program or the carrying out of the examination and verification tests, must be communicated and agreed personally with the teacher on the days of receipt.Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

Basic topics: - Introduction to the discipline; Object, method, objectives of sociological research; Social concepts and dynamics (culture, structure, interaction, groups and organizations, family, religion, education, economy, social change and urban life).

Monographic topics: Empirical research cases dedicated to touristic phenomena

Textbook Information

General part:

1.N. J. Smelser, Manuale di sociologia (V ed.), il Mulino, Bologna 2011, (pp. 15-28; 31-147; 173-208; 239-303; 343-368);

Monographic part: Two books chosen from among those indicated in n. 2 to no. 5

2. J. Ejarque, Social media marketing per il turismo. Come costruire il marketing 2.0 e gestire la reputazione della destinazione, Hoepli, Milano 2015.

3. A. Gazzola, La città e il gusto. Il cibo come traccia sensoriale per la conoscenza degli spazi urbani. FrancoAngeli, Milano 2017.

4. A. Gamuzza, La costruzione dello spazio sociale. Il caso di Piazza Armerina, Pellegrini, Cosenza 2012, (pp. 7-103).

5. N. Costa, La città ospitale. Come avviare un sistema turistico locale di successo, Mondadori, Milano 2008