Letterio TODARO

Full Professor of [PAED-01/B ]

He graduated in Philosophy from the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Catania (1994) and completed his three-year PHD course in “Models of Education. Theoretical and Comparative Analysis” – XIIth --- in the Academic Year 1999/2000. 

He has been a Researcher in the Disciplinary Scientific Sector History of Pedagogy M-PED/02 at the Faculty of Education (University of Catania), since January/01/2004.

He iha been Associate Professor  in the Disciplinary Scientific Sector History of Pedagogy M-PED/02 at the Faculty of Education (University of Catania), since October/16/2015.

He is Full Profesor  in the Disciplinary Scientific Sector History of Pedagogy M-PED/02 at the Faculty of Education (University of Catania), since March/01/202.

He currently teaches History of Pedagogy and History of Pedagogical Publishing and of the Children’s Book for the Degree Course in Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Education (University of Catania).

He is member of the following Scientific Associations: SIPED -  ISCHE - ATRHE - SIPSE - CHLA - SPES.


He is Scientific Director of the book-series: 

  • 'Laboratorio Children's Books. Teoria e Storia della Letteratura per l'Infanzia e Studi sul Libro per l'Infanzia". - Edizioni Anicia - Roma.
  • ‘Formazione e Memoria Operante’ – Editore Apogeo Education/Maggioli - Milano.


Participation in Scientific Committes of International Conferences:

International Conference in History of Education: Transfer, Transnationalization and Transformation of Educacional Policies (1945-2018) - Universidad de La Laguna (2-4 jun 2021). http://fahrenhouse.com/conf/index.php/tttep/tttep2020/about/organizingTeam

Colloque International ATRHE : Passages, Transferts, Trajectoires en Éducation - Passages, Transfers, Trajectories in Education - Université de Genève (24-25 jun 2019). https://www.unige.ch/atrhe2019/comites/

International Conference in History of Education: Globalizing the Student Rebellion in the Long '68 - Universitat de Valencia (3-5 oct. 2018). http://fahrenhouse.com/conf/index.php/68/68/about/organizingTeam


Speaker in International Conferences: 

nov 7th 2019 - The reading at risk? Problems and Challenges of the Literary Education in a Changing World - 4th Conference Education Policy in Cultural Context: Transmission and/or Transformation - 7/8 Nov. 2019 - Faculty of Philosophy - Institute of Educational Sciences - Vilnius University.

jul 20th 2019 - Reshaping the material spaces of education according to scientific criteria: the pedagogical debate in Italy in the late XIX Century and the original contibution by Emanuele Latino - ISCHE Conference 41 - Spaces and Places of Education - 17/20 jul 2019 - Universidade do Porto.

jun 24th 2019 - 'La Nuova Era' and its Theosophical Background: a Survey on a Short-Lived Review Engaged with the Transfer of the 'New Education Fellowship' in Italy - ATRHE Colloque: Passages, Transferts, Trajectoires en Education - 24/25 jun 2019 - UniMail - Université de Genève.

jun 19th  2019 - Revealing the 'Hidden Curriculum' as a Pathway to Critical Pedagogy: a Survey on the Italian Context during the 1970's - SPECIES Conference - The Hidden Curriculum - 19/20 jun 2019 - University of Latvia - Riga.

may 9th 2019 - Playing with Irony to Go Beyond the Canon: Pinin Carpi and the Revolution of Children’s Literature in Italy through the Sixties - 14' The Child and the Book International Conference: Beyond the Canon of Children's Literature - 8/11 May 2019 - University of Zadar

apr 13th 2019 - Children, Cradles and Vampires: Openings to the Fantastic and Challenges to Reality in Luigi Capuana's Tales - Fifth International ‘Helion Conference’ – Frontiers of the Possible: Borders and Openings in Speculative Fiction – Helion Cultural Association in collaboration with West University of Timisoara – 12/13 maggio 2019 - Orizont Hall - Timisoara

oct 4th 2018 - La contestazione studentesca nelle università nord-americane e l'analisi critica di Northrop Frye dall'osservatorio della University of Toronto: per un nuovo 'contratto educativo' - International Conference Globalizing the student rebellion in the long '68 - 3/5 oct. 2018 - Universitat de Valencia

aug 30th 2018 - Discovering Nature between Science and Poetry: Pierina Boranga (1891-1983), Pioneer of the Environmental Education in Italy - Multilingual Panel : Vers un nouveau milieu éducatif scolaire. Réflexions, Expérimentations sur le statut de la Nature (XXe Siècle) - ISCHE Conference 40 - Education and Nature - 29 aug / 1 sep 2018 - Humboldt Universitaet - Berlino.

jun 9th 2018 - Intercultural Education and Children Books: Approaching  ‘Otherness’ Through the Hermeneutics of Tales - International Conference Teacher Education and Educational Research in the Mediterranean - 8/9 giugno 2018 - Valletta Campus - University of Malta.

dec 1st 2017 - Infanzia, natura e 'segrete corrispondenze' in un classico della letteratura per l'infanzia italiana del Novecento: Il Segreto del Bosco Vecchio di Dino Buzzati - 2' Convegno Internazionale Educazione Terra Natura. Io corpo, io racconto, io emozione. - 30 novembre/2 dicembre 2017 - Libera Università di Bolzano - Bressanone

oct 6th 2017 - Tra inni, canti e temi musicali: i bambini e l'educazione nazionale in Italia tra idealismo e fascismo - Convegno Internazionale - L'infanzia nel '900: percorsi internazionali di ricerca storico-educativa - 5/7 ottobre 2017 - Università del Salento - Lecce

sep 15th  2017 - A Common ‘Crusade’: the Journal «L’Educazione Nazionale» as agent of the New Education Fellowship in Italy (1927 - 1933) - Colloque International - Genève, une plateforme de l’internationalisme éducatif au 20' siècle - 14/15 settembre 2017 -  Université de Genève - Uni Mail

sep 2th 2017 – Educating for Constructing Peace: Maria Montessori and the Promising Faith in a Wider World - Women History Network Annual Conference 2017 – Women and the Wider World – 1/2 settembre 2017 - University of Birmingham

jul 20th 2017 - Knocking Door by Door: the Educational Care and the Commitment for Emancipation of ‘Father’ Pino Puglisi - ISCHE Conference 39 - Education and Emancipation - 18/21 luglio 2017 - Buenos Aires

may 6th 2017 – Shaping the Possible, Dismantling Borders: the Destabilization of Sense in Dino’s Buzzati Work for the Young Readers - Third International ‘Helion Conference’ – Frontiers of the Possible: Borders and Openings in Speculative Fiction – Helion Cultural Association in collaboration with West University of Timisoara – 5/6 maggio 2017 - Orizont Hall - Timisoara

oct 28th 2016 – Destrutturazioni dell’immaginario educativo e antipedagogia: lo smontaggio del congegno ‘educazione’ nel panorama italiano – Convegno Internazionale – No thought control. Pedagogia, istanze di emancipazione e trasformazioni dell’immaginario educativo tra gli anni Sessanta e Settanta del Novecento -  27/28 ottobre 2016 – Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione - Università di Catania

sep 17th 2016 – Strengthening Modernization: the young woman teacher in primary schools as an agent of transformation within the material life of social communities. A survey in Sicily of the post second world war period across the Fifties. -  Women History Network Annual Conference 2016 – Women’s Material Cultures /  Women’s Material Environments – 16/17 settembre 2016 - Leeds Trinity University

sep 6th 2016 - With Old Virtues towards the Future: Discipline and Martial Figures in the Education of the Nation during the Autumn of the Fascism – International Conference – Italy’ Decade of War: 1935-45 in International Perspective – 6/7 Seettembre 2016 - University of Strathclyde - Glasgow

jun 23th 2016 - On a Journey towards Otherness. Themes and Metaphors of the Intercultural Encounter in the Italian Contemporary Children and Young Adults Literature – 2nd International Conference - Beliefs and Behaviours in Education and Culture – 23/25 giugno 2016 - Teacher Training Department - West University of Timisoara

apr 1st 2016 - Tra istanze igieniche e ‘poesia dell’infanzia’: conquista degli spazi aperti e motivi del rinnovamento educativo in Italia tra Otto e Novecento – Convegno Internazionale – Spazi formativi, modelli e pratiche di educazione all’aperto nel primo Novecento – 1 aprile 2016 – Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione - Università di Catania

dec 4th 2015 - “Sarebbe una viltà”: mitologie eroiche, letteratura per l'infanzia e immaginario giovanile negli anni della Grande Guerra – ASMI Conference 2015 – Educating Italy 1796-1968. Local, National and Global Perspectives,  4/5 dicembre 2015 - Istituto Italiano di Cultura – London

oct 14th 2015 – Tra pedagogia e propaganda: stereotipi narrativi, clichés letterari e modelli educativi nel racconto per l’infanzia in Italia negli anni della Grande Guerra – Convegno Internazionale - Wars as a Tsunami: War, Education and School – 13/14 ottobre 2015 – Università di Ferrara

sep 5th 2015 - Women Movements and Innovation in Education at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: the Role of the Sections of the ‘Unione Femminile Nazionale’ in Sicily for the Transformation of Italian Pedagogy – Women History Network Annual Conference 2015 – Female agency, activism and organisation – 4/6 settembre 2015 – University of Kent

jun 26 th 2015 - Formazione Democratica e  Pedagogie Narrative: l’Educazione  alla Convivenza Civile, il Rispetto  delle Regole e il Contrasto alle  Mafie nella Recente Letteratura per  l’infanzia e per Ragazzi in Italia - International Conference - Beliefs and Behaviours in Education and Culture - 25/27 giugno 2015 - Teacher Training Department - West University of Timisoara

feb 26th 2015  - La trasfigurazione della morte nella retorica del milite eroe: educazione, immaginario giovanile, libri per l’infanzia in Italia negli anni della Grande Guerra - Simposio de Historia de la Educaciòn . La Pedagogia ante la muerte. Reflexiones e Interpretaciones en perspectivas historica y filosofica. -  26/27 febbraio 2015 - Facultad de Filosofia y Letras – Universidad de Valladolid


(last update: nov 24th 2020)


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

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Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016
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