Carmelina URSO

Full Professor of MEDIEVAL HISTORY [HIST-01/A ]

Last update, February 2021

Carmelina Urso is Full Professor in Medieval History at the Department of Educational Science-University of Catania. She has taught, at the same Department, Medieval History, History of Medieval Sicily, History of Religions, History of the Norman-Swabian Sicily, Women Condition in the Middle Ages and History of Medieval Educational Institutions.

Presently she is teacher of Medieval History (Bachelor's Degree in Tourism) and History of Medieval Educational Institutions (Master's Degree in Pedagogic Science and Educational Planning). She has taught at the SISSIS. She was member of Teaching Staff of PhD in History of Mediterranean Europe from Antiquity to Contemporary Age-University of Basilicata. As a tutor she has followed PhD thesis of the above mentioned doctorate and also PhD thesis in Human Sciences at the University of Catania. Nowdays she is member of Teaching Staff of PhD in Processi formativi, modelli teorico-trasformativi e metodi di ricerca applicati al territorio, Department of Educational Science-University of Catania. She has been a member of the Academy Board for Training in Bachelor's Degree in Education and Formation Sciences. She has been responsible for advising the intra-university Centre of Scientific and Technical Committee guidance and training of University of Catania (COF) for the three-year period 2010/ 2011-2012/2013. Former Deputy Director of the Department of Educational Processes and Deputy President of the CGA at the Faculty of Educational Science, she has been Deputy Dean at the same Faculty. She is a member of the first section of the Disciplinary Board of the University of Catania. She has been President of the Bachelor's Degree in Tourism in her Department. In 2016 she was appointed member of the Commission for National Scientific Qualification, SC 11/A1 (Medieval History). She is member of the editorial board of Quaderni Catanesi and she is responsible of the editorial board of Annali della facoltà di Scienze della formazione–Università degli studi di Catania; she is a member of the scientific Committee of the series Analecta Humanitatis (published by the Department of Educational Science), of the series Itineraria. Territorio e insediamenti del Mezzogiorno medievale, and also of the series Cultura-Sezione Storia medievale-Edizione Studium and of the series Studi culturali. She is member of the scientific board of the Centro Studi Longobardi. She has been scientific supervisor of the Research Programme (PRA) on "Gregory the Great and the Women. Evidences from Registrum epistularum"; she is PI of the Research Group FIR 2014, project title: “Regine, re e viceré: immagini e strategie del potere in Sicilia fra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna. Le fonti materiali per una storia dinamica del territorio”. She has taken part in national and international conferences, giving lectures which have been published or which are still in press. She organized the international conferences: “Un’isola nel contesto del Mediterraneo. Politica cultura e arte nella Sicilia e nell’Italia meridionale in età medievale  e moderna”; “La Sicilia nei secoli VI-X. Dinamiche di poteri e culture tra oriente e Occidente”, held at the Department of Educational Science-University of Catania (14-16 november 2019).  

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Her scientific research initially dealt with the Early Middle Ages, focusing on the study of institutions and material culture of the Merovingian and Carolingian eras, but also analyzing the political activity of Gregory the Great. Later she has expanded her field of research with surveys aimed to reconstruct the history of territory and mentalities, and, particularly, to analyze the evolution of legal, social and religious aspects of the women's history in the Middle Ages (Tra essere e apparire. Il corpo della donna nell'Occidente medievale, 2005; Buone Madri e madri crudeli nel Medioevo, 2008; La mentalità medievale fra immaginario e simbolismo, 2016). She has also published Le donne al tempo di Gregorio Magno, a monograph about moral, institutional and legal problems of women through the examination of Gregory's letters addressed to queens and abbesses, including widows, married women and virgins of every social class. Recently she has studied the impact of moral judgement on female body care, and she has examined the idea of aged women and of fatherhood in medieval mentality. She has looked for the female presence in the Sicilian castles and the role of the queens and of the noblewomen in Sicily in the XII-XV centuries.  (Adelaide del Vasto, Bianca di Navarra). Simultaneously, she has analyzed some aspects of Lombard kingship (Liutprando) e some female figures (Theodelinda, Romilda e Theodorada) of the Lombard age, and the relationship between Lombard duchies and the papacy. She studied aspects related to the history of aragonese queens of Sicliy, Costanza and Maria

N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information