Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: ERMANNO TAVIANI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to understand the history of contemporary Italy, from a political, economic and cultural point of view. In addition, it aims to address the history of one of the most relevant parties of the so-called "prima Repubblica", the Italian Communist Party in the seventy years of its existence (1921-1991). The aim is also to provide an overview of the foundations of the historical method. 

Course Structure

Frontal multimedia lessons. 

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required. However, a basic knowledge of Contemporary History and/or the reading the last volume of a high school manual is highly recommended. 

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance of the lessons is strongly recommended for all students.

Detailed Course Content

Italian Political and Social History from the end of World War Two to today. The italian case in the Reconstruction of Western Europe. The Cold War History. The 1950s and 1960s: the Economic Boom, the emergence of the consumer society, the “centro-sinistra”. The 1968/1969 Italian student and worker movement. The “Strategy of tension”. The 1973 oil crisis and its consequences. The “Italian crisis”. The Italian Communist Party and the Compromesso storico Strategy. The 1977 Movement. The turning point of 1977-1980. The Aldo Moro murder case. Italy in the eighties. The end of the "Cold War and its consequences on the Italian political scene. Tangentopoli and the end of the "First Republic". The "seconda Repubblica".

The Italian Communist Party's History from the Foundation to its dissolution. The characters of the PCI. The role of Gramsci and Togliatti. Clandestinity. Stalinism. From the policy of the "united front" to the "popular fronts"i. The Resistance. The New Party. The PCI in Republican Italy. 1956.  Facing the centro-sinistra. Cultural policy. The analysis of Italian society. The debate after the death of Togliatti. The PCI and 1968. Berlinguer and the "compromesso storico". The crisis of the eighties. The fall of the Berlin wall and the dissolution of the PCI. 

Textbook Information

1) A. Lepre, Storia della prima Repubblica. L'Italia dal 1943 al 2003, Il Mulino. 

2)  A. Vittoria, Storia del PCI 1921-1991, Carocci, Roma 2006.

Lepre A.Storia della prima Repubblica. L'Italia dal 1943 al 2003Il Mulino20069788815114099
Vittoria A.Storia del Pci. 1921-1971Carocci20079788843038947

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Presentation of the course. The PCI from its foundation to the Komintern's VII Congress . Vittoria, Storia del Pci, cap. 1 e 2.
2Italy 1943-1945. Lepre, Storia della prima repubblica, cap. 1Vittoria, Storia del Pci, cap. 3.
3The foundation of the Italian Republic. Lepre, cap. 2; Vittoria, cap. 4.
41948 and the Centrism. Lepre, cap. 3; Vittoria, cap. 4. 
5The "anni duri". 1956. Lepre, cap. 4; Vittoria, cap. 5.
6The economic take-off. Lepre cap. 5; Vittoria, cap. 5.
7The "centro-sinistra".Lepre, cap. 6; Vittoria, cap. 6.
8The 1968 movement and its consequences. The Prague Spring.  Lepre cap. 7; Vittoria, cap. 7. 
9The "strategy of tension" and the reforms. Lepre cap. 7 e 8; Vittoria, cap. 7 e 8. . 
10Berlinguer, the "Hiistorical compromise and "democratic solidarity". The 1977 movement. Lepre, cap. 8; Vittoria, cap. 8. 
11The Moro case. Lepre, cap. 8; Vittoria, cap. 8. 
12The italian eighties. Lepre, cap. 9; Vittoria, cap. 8. 
131989 in Italy. From the PCI to the PDS. Lepre, cap. 10; Vittoria, cap. 9.
14The end of the "prima Repubblica". Tangentopoli. Lepre, cap.10. 
15The "seconda repubblica". Lepre, cap. 10, appendice. 
16Verification of the historical didactic path. Conclusions. 
17The history of the PCI and the Republic in cinema.
18The history of the PCI and the Republic in cinema.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam includes an oral examination. The evaluation will be based on: ability of exposure and lexical correctness; elaboration of knowledge and in-depth analysis of contents.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The fall of fascism and the Resistance. The foundation of the Republic. A Republic of the parties? The role of the Christian Democrats. Centrism. The economic miracle. A New Italy? The center-left. 1968 and its consequences. The years of "general contestation". The "strategy of tension". Historical compromise and "national solidarity". The Moro case. Left-wing terrorism. The eighties. The end of the "Cold War and its consequences on the Italian political scene. Tangentopoli and the end of the "First Republic". The new political arrangements after 1994. 

The characters of the PCI. The role of Antonio Gramsci and Togliatti. Clandestinity. Stalinism. From the policy of the "united front" to the "popular fronts"i. The Resistance. The New Party. The PCI in Republican Italy. 1956.  Facing the centro-sinistra. Cultural policy. The death of Togliatti. The 1968. Berlinguer and the "compromesso storico". The crisis of the eighties. The fall of the Berlin wall and the dissolution of the PCI.