Academic Year 2017/2018 - 1° Year - Curriculum Educazione ambientale e territorio, insegnamento
Teaching Staff: Rosa Loredana CARDULLO
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Educational goals.

The course of Moral theories and applied ethics aims to provide students with a historical-theoretical framework of moral philosophy, from the origins of thought to the contemporary age.

After having dealt with the study of the history of philosophy in its general lines over three years, following Moral theories and applied ethics the student will deepen the moral section of the thought of the greatest philosophers. From Socrates to Augustin, from Spinoza to Kant, from Nietzsche to analytical philosophers, the course of Moral theories and applied ethics will allow the student to identify the main moral problems faced by philosophers of all time, in their first elaboration and in the evolution of their treatment. The first part of the course concerns the moral theories; the second part of the course deals with applied ethics, that is: ecology, bioethics, philosophical practices (among which: Philosophy for children, Socratic dialogue, Consulting), professional deontologies.

N.B. The course of Moral theories and applied ethics replaces that of Moral philosophy, falling within the same scientific-disciplinary field of M-Fil / 03, and therefore constitutes a valid choice for the graduate or student who desires, or needs to expand its knowledge of philosophical disciplines for the acquisition of the requirements for teaching Philosophy at secondary schools.

Detailed Course Content

Course contents

The good life and the knowledge of the good. Happiness and virtue (from Socrates to Plotinus).

The good and the virtues. Freedom and will (from Agostino to Duns Scotus).

Ethics and politics (from Machiavelli to Thomas More).

The problem of Good and supreme good. The motive of moral action. The moral duty and the test of universalization (from Descartes to Mill).

The problem of moral autonomy (from Hegel to Nietzsche)

Reason and sensibility (from Moore to MacIntyre).

The ethics of responsibility (from Weber to Jonas).

Applied ethics (from Naess to Engelhardt)

Textbook Information

a) Handbooks (both compulsory):

1. Antonio Da Re, Filosofia morale. Storia, teorie, argomenti, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2008.

2. Michela Marzano, Etica oggi. Fecondazione eterologa, «guerra giusta», nuova morale sessuale e altre grandi questioni contemporanee, Centro Studi Erickson editore, Trento, 2015.

b) A text at the choice of the student among those indicated below:

  • - Luisella Battaglia, Un’etica per il mondo vivente. Questioni di bioetica medica, ambientale, animale, Carocci, Roma 2011 (uno dei tre capitoli, a scelta dello studente)
  • - Martha Nussbaum, Non per profitto. Perché le democrazie hanno bisogno della cultura umanistica, Il Mulino, Bologna 2011;
  • - Jürgen Habermas-Charles Taylor, Multiculturalismo. Lotte per il riconoscimento, Feltrinelli, Milano 2013;
  • - Luigina Mortari, Filosofia della cura, Cortina, Milano 2015;
  • - Remo Bodei, Limite, Il Mulino, Bologna 2016.
  • - Vincenzo Costa, Alterità, Il Mulino, Bologna 2011.
  • - Michela Marzano, Sii bella e stai zitta. Perché l'Italia di oggi offende le donne, Mondadori, Milano 2012.
  • - Marianna Gensabella (a cura di), Il paziente, il medico e l'arte della cura, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2005.
  • - Vandana Shiva, Il bene comune della terra, Feltrinelli, Milano 2011.
  • - Peter Singer, Liberazione animale, Il Saggaitore, Milano 2010 (1a ed. 1975).