Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year - Curriculum Servizi educativi territoriali e sviluppo sostenibile
Teaching Staff: Raffaella C. STRONGOLI
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide theoretical knowledge and develop methodological skills functional to the design, management and monitoring, evaluation of programs and projects of territorial intervention training, with particular regard to the teaching of environmental education and sustainable development, updating and retraining of human resources, the area of social distress of individuals or groups, community empowerment, looking critically at the needs of the territory.

Course Structure

Lectures accompanied by practical activities in the classroom and at a distance (case history, simulation, group work/discussion).

If the course is taught in mixed mode or at a distance, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what has been stated previously, in order to comply with the planned program and reported in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

The course explores the following topics: methods and experiences of design and evaluation in social work; theoretical perspectives and experiences of outdoor education design as a sustainable and ecological pedagogical orientation; main functions of program evaluation: reporting-summative, formative, developmental.

Moreover, examples of research, experiences and tools applied in different educational contexts will be presented.

Textbook Information

1. U. De Ambrogio, C. Dessi, V. Ghessi, Progettare e valutare nel sociale. Metodi ed esperienze, Roma, Carocci 2013. (164 pp.)

2. R. Farnè, A. Bortolotti, M. Terrusi. Outdoor Education: prospettive teoriche e buone pratiche, Carocci, Roma 2020 (263 pp.).

3. In N. Stame, a cura di, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 (105 pp.). The files are made available and downloadable on Studium:

  • E.G. Guba, Y.S. Lincoln, La valutazione di quarta generazione, pp. 128-156;
  • M.Q. Patton, Il dibattito sui paradigmi: una sintesi utilitarista, pp. 188-239;
  • Scriven M., Logica della valutazione e pratica della valutazione, pp. 47-73.