Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: MARINELLA COCO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course provides the acquisition of knowledge related to the applications of psychobiology in the forensic field. The main purpose of the course is to provide the student with the knowledge necessary to understand psychobiological phenomena, consciousness, mental processes applied to the forensic field.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Required Prerequisites

Basic understanding of the Central Nervous System

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is optional. However, constant and careful attendance of the course is strongly recommended, given the specificity of the discipline and the objective difficulty of preparing oneself adequately.

Detailed Course Content

Neurobiology of the Will

- Mind and Brain

- Scientific Study of Consciousness and Will

- Tragedies of the Will

- Beneficial Illusion of Conscious Will

Measuring Consciousness

Degrees of Freedom

The Mechanism of Empathy: The Bell Curve

Predicting Oneself

Biology and Crime

Explaining “Evil” and Human Cruelty

The Brain, the Mind and the Self

In the Mind of the Defendant


Reflections on Human Cruelty

Transient Madness (Cases: 1, 2, 12,14)

Crime Today: Field Experiences

Textbook Information

-          Anil Seth. Come il cervello crea la coscienza. Raffaello Cortina Editore.

-          Arnaldo Benini. Neurobiologia della volontà. Raffaello Cortina Editore.

-          Simon Baron-Cohen. La scienza del male. L’empatia e le origini della crudeltà. Raffaello Cortina Editore.

-          Ugo Fornari. Follia transitoria. Il problema dell’irresistibile impulso e del raptus omicida. Raffaello Cortina Editore

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Mind and brain
2Scientific study of consciousness and will
3Tragedies of the Will
4Beneficial illusion of conscious will
5Measuring consciousness
6Degrees of freedom
7The Empathy Mechanism: The Bell Curve
8Predicting oneself
9Biology and crime
10Explaining “evil” and human cruelty
11In the mind of the accused
13Reflections on Human Cruelty
14Study Cases: 1, 2, 12,14
15Crime Today: Field Experiences

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures


During the oral exam, it is permitted to use conceptual and/or mental maps created by the student.

For the purposes of the assessment, the teacher will take into account:

Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of the applications of psychobiology in the forensic field, of consciousness and its alteration, of empathy, of evil, of criminality, of madness.

Applied knowledge and understanding: Acquisition of knowledge of psychobiological mechanisms and possible alterations.

Autonomy of judgment: Students must acquire the ability to present and critically discuss the basic notions of the discipline.

Communication skills: The student must demonstrate that he or she is able to communicate clearly and with mastery the knowledge acquired during the course, and his or her conclusions in relation to the critical issues of the discipline. Furthermore, he or she must demonstrate that he or she possesses appropriate terminology.

Learning ability: The student must demonstrate that he/she has acquired the technical vocabulary and theoretical-conceptual knowledge covered during the course, in order to be able to critically analyze with scientific rigor the main discoveries of psychobiology in the forensic field. He/she must also demonstrate the ability to understand, analyze and elaborate the contents and knowledge acquired from the study and in-depth analysis of scientific texts and from the consultation of scientific publications in the sector, in order to be able to undertake subsequent in-depth studies independently.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

- Psychobiological aspects of the neurobiology of the will

- Consciousness and the will

- The tragedies of the will

- Biological aspects of criminality

- In the mind of the accused

- Delirium

- Explaining "evil" and human cruelty

- Transient madness (Cases: 1, 2, 12,14)

- etc.