Academic Year 2017/2018 - 1° Year - Curriculum Curriculum A - Clinico - Riabilitativo
Teaching Staff: Tullio Michele SCRIMALI
Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 36 hours
Laboratories: 18 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The student should acquire a valid and updated knowledge on the subject of addictions, with particular reference to the epistemological aspects, theory, legislation, and clinical applications.

Establish the basic clinical skills, relating to the treatment of the condition of addiction, with particular reference to some new methods for management of craving, such as PsychoFeedback and Neurofeedback.

Detailed Course Content

Neuroscience and Addictions

Neurobiology of addiction

What is an addiction to drugs of abuse (otherwise known as "drugs") What is an addiction behaviors

Classification of substances

Neurobiological aspects of addiction

Psychological aspects of addiction

Repetition and reward The drug as a substitute

The drug as a "self-care"

The path of the processes that lead to addiction

Cultural and historical aspects related to substance use

Addictions and life cycle: adolescence

The diagnosis of substance dependence and conduct

Comorbidity of addiction and personality disorders

The dependent personality and relational dependency

Substance addiction

Substances that induce depression of the central nervous system opiates sedatives

The volatiles stimulants, cocaine, amphetamines, psychedelics: LSD cannabinoids, ecstasy, alcohol ,tobacco

Eating disorders


Technological addictions

Compulsive Shopping

Sex addiction

The cognitive model and the overall treatment and prevention

• The different setting

• The local services: Ser.T

• The therapeutic relationship

• Crisis intervention

• Assessment and multimodal complex of the patient, the family and the network

• Conceptualization of the case and formulation of the treatment plan

• Identification of specific objectives

• Coping and problem solving

• Auto emotional via biofeedback

• Methodology of clinical biofeedback electrodermal

• Management of craving

• Management of addiction

• Analysis of patterns and cognitive restructuring

• Treatment of any coexisting psychiatric disorders

• Family Intervention

• Intervention Network

• Relapse Prevention

• Psychoeducation of the population

• Prevention

Textbook Information

Tullio Scrimali


From the research laboratory to the setting with patients

Franco Angeli Publisher, Milan, November 2009

Tullio Scrimali


Tullio Scrimali

ADDICTIONS: Theory and Practice

Franco Angeli Publisher, Milan, 2011


Dionisus. A Cognitive Model for alcoholism and its therapy

Franco Angeli, Publisher, Milan, 2016