Academic Year 2017/2018 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Maria Elvira DE CAROLI
Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 36 hours
Laboratories: 18 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The aim of the course is to provide the students with the main theoretical and empirical perspecitives linked to streotipical and prejudicial attitides during life-span, to introduce to specific methodology of analysis to the fields of applications and to the comprehension/interpretation of data analisys related to analyzed topics, in order to provide the students with a professional framework in which to place all the skills they have acquired. At the end of the course, the students should be able to know the main theories and methods of analysis, to apply them in professional field, to promove, direct and realize trainings and activities functional to realize preventive meaures of psycho-social disease linked to the effects of stereotipical and prejudicial attitudes.

Detailed Course Content

In detail, the main topics will be:

1) Methods and measures of analysis of stereotypes and prejudicial attitudes.

2) Empirical researches on prejudices and social stereotypes in life span (with specific reference to obesity, disability, and ethnicity).

Textbook Information

1) De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Un “puzzle” di genere, un “genere” di puzzle. Prospettive teoriche e studi empirici sugli stereotipi in età evolutiva, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma, 2009.

2) De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Professional Self and Social Attitudes Towards Disability: A Comparison between Curricular and Special Needs Teachers, INFAD, 2011, vol.4, pp.493-501.

3) Falanga R., De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Attitudes towards Disability: the experience of “contact” in a sample of Italian college students, INFAD 2011, vol.4, pp.91-100.

4) De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Siblings and disability: A study on social attitudes toward disabled brothers and sisters, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 93, 2013, pp. 1217-1223.

5) Sagone E., De Caroli M.E., Anti-fat or anti-thin attitudes toward peers? Stereotyped beliefs and weight prejudice in Italian children, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 93, 2013, pp 177-183..

6) De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Anti-fat prejudice and stereotypes in psychology university students, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 84, 2013, pp. 1184-1189.

7) Sagone E., De Caroli M.E., White bully vs. Black victim or Black bully vs. White victim? Ethnicity and severity of behaviour in Italian children, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 82, 2013, pp. 94-100.

8) De Caroli M.E., Falanga R., Sagone E., Subtle and blatant prejudice toward Chinese people in Italian adolescents and young adults: the role of “friendship” and “outgroup representation”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013, vol. 82, pp. 74-80.

9) De Caroli M.E., Falanga R., Sagone E., Ethnic awareness, self-identification, and attitudes toward ingroup and outgroup in Italian, Chinese, and African pupils, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013, vol. 93, pp.444-448.

10) Falanga R., De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., The relationship between stereotypes and prejudice toward the Africans in Italian university students, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, vol. 159, pp 759-764.

11) Falanga R., De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Are parental and filial ethic attitudes toward Africans related?, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, vol. 116, pp.713-717.

12) M.E. Caroli, E. Sagone, Black or White? Ethnic stereotypes and prejudicial attitudes in Italian children, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013, vol. 93, pp. 574-580.

13) Sagone E., De Caroli M.E., Locus of control and beliefs about superstition and luck in adolescents: what’s their relationship?, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 140, 2014, pp. 318-323.

14) Sagone E., De Caroli M.E., Beliefs about superstition and luck in external believers university students, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015, vol.191, pp.366-371.

15) Falanga R., De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Are value priorities predictors of prejudice? A study with Italian adolescents, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015, vol. 191, pp.296-301.

16) De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Anti-fat attitudes and weight stereotypes: a comparison between adolescents and their teachers, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015, vol.191, p.280-285.


The articles are downlodable from Studium.

For attending students: practical activities, related to the elaboration of research project on the topics touched during the course, will take place during the laboratory classes. Frequency will be mandatory. The activities will end with a written test.

For non-attending students: the following volume, and the three articles to be downloaded as pdf from Studium.
-Gelli B., Psicologia della differenza di genere. Soggettività femminili tra vecchi pregiudizi e nuova cultura, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2009.
-De Caroli M.E., Sagone E. (2006), Salienza della “disabilità” e vissuti di distanza sociale verso i coetanei con SD in età adolescenziale. GID - Giornale Italiano delle Disabilità, VI, n.3, pp.33-45.
-De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Falanga R. (2007), Sé professionale e atteggiamenti sociali verso la disabilità negli insegnanti di sostegno della scuola dell’infanzia, primaria e media inferiore. GID – Giornale Italiano delle Disabilità, VII, n.3, pp.15-26.
-De Caroli M.E., Sagone E. (2008), Direzione degli atteggiamenti pregiudiziali, livelli di burn-out, adattamento interpersonale e rappresentazione del Sé Professionale: un’indagine sugli insegnanti di sostegno. Life Span and Disability , 11 (1), pp.41-59.