Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Orazio LICCIARDELLO
Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


Understanding the complexity of change processes underlying the psycho-social coexistence and the construction of individual, groupal and community well-being, through the analysis of institutions and interpersonal relationships, at group and intergroup level, that weave together the Community life.

Detailed Course Content


The definition and analysis of institutions, according to the most reliable theoretical perspectives. The analysis of the processes of change, innovation and de-institutionalization, in relation to the new demands of society. The analysis of psychosocial processes that weave together the life of the communities, in the interpersonal, groupal and intergroupal dimensions, with particular reference to gender, disability, generations. The analysis of the Community and of the territory as potential phenomenons, related to the social representations, as well as the dimensions and investment of identity.

Textbook Information

1-Licciardello Orazio (2016), Istituzioni e cambiamento.Processi psico-sociali, Angeli Editore.
2-Zani B. (a cura di) (2012), Psicologia di comunità. Prospettive, idee, metodi, Carocci Editore, Roma.
1° Tema
Il Mediterraneo comunità potenziale: Identità sociale e relazioni intergruppi (Analisi e discussione di ricerche specifiche: articoli e materiali forniti dal docente): (1 CF= 6 ore).
2° Tema
Il territorio comunità potenziale: legami affettivi e rappresentazioni delle disfunzionalità (Analisi e discussione di ricerche specifiche: articoli e materiali forniti dal docente): (1 CF= 6 ore).
3° Tema:
Comunità e cittadinanza potenziale: rappresentazioni e pregiudizi relative al genere, ai disabili, agli anziani (Analisi e discussione di ricerche specifiche: articoli e materiali forniti dal docente): (1 CF= 6 ore).
Materiali di studio per coloro che non frequentano i laboratori
1° Tema (Articoli)
a) Licciardello Orazio, Damigella, (2014), The Mediterranean as a Potential Superordinate Identity, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 116, 21 February 2014, Pages 4213-4218;
b)Eterno L., Licciardello O., Cosby Arthur G., Rosas Gutierrez Monica A., (2014), Perceptions of social discrimination and residential segregation between North African immigrants in Sicily and black citizens in Mississippi, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 127, 2014, Pages 225-229;
c)Damigella D., Licciardello O., Bisicchia O.(2014), What Kind of Contact Is Needed to Promote Integration? A Study With Primary School Teachers, US-China Education Review B, ISSN 2161-6248, May 2014, Vol. 4, No. 5, 303-309;
d)Damigella D., Licciardello O., (2014), Identity Development Processes and Socio-Cultural Contexts.A Study with Second Generation Adolescents, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 141, 2014, Pages 1127-1133
2° Tema (Volume)
Licciardello O., Castiglione C. (2008), Self, formazione e “territorio potenziale” nella società del cambiamento: dati di ricerca con Giovani disoccupati, Sindaci e Imprenditori, Bonanno Editore, Acireale-Roma 2008.
3° Tema (Articoli)
a)Licciardello O., Di Marco G., Mauceri M. (2014),Aging between experience and attitudes: a research with Italian and Spanish, Original Research Article, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 127, 2014, Pages 199-203.
b)Licciardello O., Castiglione C.,Rampullo A., Scolla V. (2014), Social Dominance Orientation, Cross-group Friendship and Prejudice towards Homosexuals, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 116, 21 February 2014, Pages 4988-4992.
c)Castiglione C., Rampullo A., Licciardello O., Sexual prejudice, cross-group friendship and hegemonic beliefs in university students, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 127, 2014, Pages 235-239.
d)Di Marco G., Licciardello O., Mauceri M., La Guidara Roberta M.C. (2013), Attitudes Towards the Sexuality of Men with Intellectual Disability: The Effect of Social Dominance Orientation, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 84, 9 July 2013, Pages 1194-1198