Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Santo DI NUOVO
Credit Value: 9
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content


- Historic developments of psychological tests and their methodological background.

- Discrimination among different test typologies and aims of use.

- Possible technical errors in the application and interpretation of the tests, incorrect use of the results.

- Quantitative and qualitative levels in psychometric approach.

- Criteria for choosing the cognitive and personality tests and correct use of them.

- Scoring and interpretation of the most used psychodiagnostic instruments.


  • Definition, characteristics and history of psychological testing.
  • Reliability and validity, standardization of tests.
  • Test of level and development of intelligence.
  • Psychometric and criterion tests.
  • Differences between tests and questionnaires.
  • Traits and dynamics in the evaluation of personality.
  • Clinical use of psychometric instruments.
  • Projective tests.
  • Inventories
  • Tests for the assessment in work and organizations.

Textbook Information

1. DI NUOVO S. Misurare la mente. I test cognitivi e di personalità, Laterza, Bari-Roma (pages: 150).

2. GRANIERI A. (a cura di) I test di personalità, Utet, Torino (chapters 4-7, pages: 180). Second Edition.

The laboratory will deepen and exemplify the use of the WAIS test and the Rorschach (pp. 131-189 from the book edited by Granieri).