Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Maria Catena QUATTROPANI
Credit Value: 9
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 36 hours
Laboratories: 18 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Family counseling is a context where diversified interventions are carried out in a multidisciplinary perspective. Family counseling centers, established with the law of 29 July 1975, n. 405 were born as a "family and maternity care service". The training objectives of the course concern the acquisition of adequate knowledge regarding the functions of the counseling psychologist, and the necessary operating methods capable of providing adequate answers to the questions of today's families, intervening in collaboration with local institutions. The student will acquire knowledge, based on the current guidelines of health psychology, which involve supporting primary prevention, interventions for the culture and promotion of health and the enhancement of the person, through the promotion of psychological and relational development.

At the end of the course, the student:
will achieve the knowledge necessary to operate in the field of prevention psychology and the skills relating to assessments and specific interventions in family counseling centers. The student will mature he knowledge relating to the various topics covered by the lessons and will understand the connection between theoretical approaches, research results, evaluation tools and planning of interventions. Students acquire the ability to compare different approaches, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the different theoretical orientations.
The workshop activities will consist in carrying out practical-guided exercises, in groups, with the support of clinical examples, aimed at training on the family home visiting, a home intervention on the family which, on the basis of international empirical evidence is also spreading in Italy , with the aim of supporting and promoting the security of early attachment between parents and their child.

Course Structure

Lectures and laboratory activities with practical-guided exercises.

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to present the theoretical and empirical bases of prevention programs and interventions for the promotion of psychological health based on evidence, methodological options and intervention tools, with effective results, to understand their use in counseling structures, as well as cognitive skills for the assessment of specific risk factors and protective factors, according to the American Psychological Association's "Guidelines for prevention in psychology". Finally, the policies that support the health and well-being of the entire population, the work in a multidisciplinary team and the evaluation of parenting will be studied in depth, in the various areas in which the psychologist works in the counseling centers.

Textbook Information

  1. C. Cavina, E. Fumasoni, L. Porta, Il consultorio familiare c'è. Esperienze, strumenti concettuali e operatività, Ed. Franco Angeli, 2020
  2. J.L. Romano, Psicologia della prevenzione. Migliorare il benessere personale e sociale, Ed LAS, 2016
  3. L. Volpini, Valutare le competenze genitoriali. Teorie Tecniche, Nuova Edizione, Ed. Carocci, 2017
  4. R. Tambelli e B. Volpi, Family home visiting. Promuovere la salute mentale dei bambini e delle loro famiglie, Ed. Il Mulino, 2015

For students who do not attend the laboratory, additional materials (scientific articles) will be provided on the "file" section in the dedicated classroom on Teams.