Emanuele COCO

Associate Professor of HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY [PHIL-05/A ]

Update: 09 2023


Emanuele Coco is Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Catania. He is qualified – in Italy – as associate professor in the fields of History of Philosophy (11/C5) and Logic, History and Philosophy of Science (11/C2) and – in France – as maître de conférences for the sections Philosophie (17) and Epistémologie, histoire des sciences et des techniques (72). 

Former Marie Curie fellow at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris he is membre associé in the same institution (Laboratoire d'anthropologie des institutions et organisations sociales - LAIOS-IIAC, EHESS).

He has taught at the Universities of Florence and Lille. He now teaches at the courses of Education and Training Sciences (Bachelor's degree), Psychological Sciences and Techniques (Bachelor's degree) and Psychology (Master's degree) of the University of Catania. 

He is scientific responsible for the local research units of the Erasmus+ European projects "Task 21" and "BeYou".

Biologist and philosopher, he deals with the relationships between philosophy, science and the imaginary, with particular reference to life sciences, social behavior and the paradox of altruism in biology. More recently, his research has focused on the relationship between science, myths, nature, and cultural processes. His works have been focused on the myth of sirens and his naturalization. A subject that has been shown to be rich in cultural, anthropological, philosophical and psychological implications. 

He is a member of the Interuniversity Center for Epistemological and Historical Research on the Sciences of the Living (Res Viva) and is a member of the editorial board of the journal  “Logos” and “Suite française”. He is co-director of the Imaginalia series, published by Malcor D’.

Among his publications: Dal Cosmo al mare. La naturalizzazione del mito e la funzione filosofica [From Cosmo to the see. The naturalization of myth and the philosophical function], Olschki, 2017; "The natural limits of knowledge. History and perspectives of a dialogue between philosophy and biology" (with Coniglione and Vasta: Malcor D ’edizioni 2016); "The electric circus of the Sirens" (Code Editions 2012); "Selfish, wicked and generous. Natural history of altruism" (Bruno Mondadori publisher, 2009); 

He is author of essays and theatrical texts related to the themes of science, psyche and philosophy. Among them: Selfish, evil and generous. Natural history of altruism [Egoisti, malvagi e generosi. Storia naturale dell’altruismo, Bruno Mondadori; The electric circus of the Sirens [Il circo elettrico delle Sirene], Codice; From the cosmos to the sea. The naturalization of myth and philosophical function [Dal Cosmo al mare. La naturalizzazione del mito e la funzione filosofica], Olschki; The restless archipelago. A collection of interdisciplinary essays on evolutionism seen from the sea ['Larcipelago inquieto. Una collezione di saggi interdisciplinari sull'evoluzionismo visto dal mare], Bruno Mondadori; Tanz! musiconcert of philosophical inspiration [Tanz! musiconcerto di ispirazione filosofica] Scenario Pubblico; Practical advices for the disoriented evolutionists [Consigli pratici per evoluzionisti spaesati], show and double CD with the participation of Francesco Bearzatti, Leo Gullotta and Elio e le Storie Tese, Festival della Scienza di Genova.

His articles or excerpts from his works have been published in Micromega, Il Sole 24 Ore, L'Unità, Doppiozero and the magazine of the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani Altante. 


Principal investigator (PI) per l'unità italian the Italian team of the Erasmus+ project 2020-2-FR02-KA205-018041 TITLE: BeYou. Building Entrepreneurial mindset in YOUth for a sustainable society From 01/10/2020. Duration: 25 months

Principal investigator (PI) for the Italian team of the Erasmus+ project 2019-1-FR01-KA203063063 TITLE: Task21. EdTech and Ai for essential SKills in the 21st century From 01/10/2019 to 31/07/2022 Duration: 34 months

Principal investigator (PI) of the Marie Curie project PIEF-GA-2009-236567 TITLE: DNA and Society: From a History of the "Emotional Images of DNA“ to a Set of Multidisciplinary Actions for Disseminating Good Social Values in Europe École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris. From 01/10/2009 to 30/09/2011 Duration: 2 years

Partecipation in the FIR research project "Archetipi futuri. Forme, funzioni, significati e stili nella relazione tra Mythos e Logos". Università di Catania, 2017-2019

Participation in the research project MIRRORS - Monitoring Ideas Regarding Research Organizations and Reasons in Science (EU, 7th Frame program; SIS-2007-1.1.1; grant agreement 217796; duration: 24 months). From 01/01/2008 to 31/12/2009

Participation in the international research group "Darwinisme & Sciences Humaines et Sociales" - University of Lille 1 (Lab Genetique) and Ghent University (Department of Phylosophy and moral sciences). From 01/01/2013 to 07/04/2014



2009-2011: Marie Curie Fellow (IEF) at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris.

2019: Professeur invité, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris.

2016: Chercheur invité, Centre de Recherches Historiques (CRH, EHESS) 

2015: Chercheur invité, Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST), Paris

2008, 2007, 2006: Chercheur invité, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH), Paris 

2002, 2003: Volunteer researcher, British Library, Department of Manuscripts, London

2002, 2003: D.E.A. at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris



N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016


1. Which subjects should be studied for the preparation of the exam?

You can prepare either the topics listed in the syllabus of the year in which you attended the lessons (in relation to your year of enrolment), or those listed in the syllabus of the current year  

2. Where can I find the didactic material (slides and handouts)?

On Studium. In case of difficulty of access please contact the Didactic Secretariat

3. I can't book myself for the exam. Can I take it anyway?

No. Reservation is compulsory. In case of difficulty in accessing the exam, please contact the teaching secretariat.

4. How valid are the group teaching activities carried out during the lessons with the active participation of the students (for example, work on Marcuse)?

The validity is one year. So until the whole II session (June/July of the following year). 

5. I am enrolled in a different curriculum (Prof. Coniglione/Vasta). Can I take exams with you?

It is not possible to hold examinations with teachers of a different curriculum. However, the examinations commission is unique and all the appointed teachers take part in them.

6. What texts are recommended for study?

All information about the recommended texts and even the number of pages can be found in the program available on Studium.

7. As this is the last exam, is it possible to agree on a reduced syllabus or to pass the subject with a grade of 18? 

Under no circumstances is it possible to have a reduced programme. In order to pass the exam with a grade of 18 you must have a preparation equal to the minimum grade. In no case, the fact that this is the last exam or that you plan to graduate quickly can influence the outcome of the exam.  

8. I did not understand a subject. What can I do?

It is advisable to: a. reread it more carefully; b. consult the slides and handouts (they contain many explanations and ad hoc examples introduced by the professor that go beyond what is reported only in the recommended text); c. consult the notes taken during the lessons (the lessons make studying much easier and more meaningful: it is strongly recommended to follow them); d. ask the teacher for clarifications.

9. I have a feeling I don't need Philosophy. Is it serious? 

No, it's not serious. However, it is advisable to follow the lessons: in addition to the topics, you will discover the plot of a fabric of reflections that will allow us to better understand who we are, what our aspirations are and how to achieve them. One more step towards a more conscious and happy life.  

10. Since it consists of several modules (integrated course), how does the cognitive science exam during the covid emergency take place? 

The modules must be taken in succession (time indicated in the exams calendar). Any time adjustments, due to the number of students, will be communicated during the opening call.

11. Is it possible to request an extension for examinations? 

It is not possible to request extensions except in cases of extreme necessity and general interest for all students. Exam dates are already scheduled, in agreement with the Segreteria didattica, to avoid overlapping. As well as creating confusion in the planning, the extensions risk benefiting some students and disadvantaging others, as it is not possible to take into account the needs of everyone. Therefore, students are invited to look at the exam calendar sufficiently in advance in order to organise their study in an appropriate manner.  



Students who have been assigned Prof. Coco as their tutor are kindly asked to follow the instructions below: 

1. Download the dedicated form (here) and fill it in following the instructions provided by the relevant offices and the President of the Degree Course. 

2. Send the form to the tutor in its original PDF format (no PDFs created with photographs or scans assembled), after having affixed your electronic signature (use any suitable program for this, such as Acrobat or PDF Expert)

3. Send an email to the teacher with the following subject: "TIROCINIO: assignment of teaching tutor". The email must contain your name, surname and student number. 

4. For any further communication via email, always include the word "TIROCINIO:"

5. For final examinations, please send the report in pdf format indicating in the subject: "TIROCINIO: final examination". 

6. These indications are also valid for face-to-face meetings (when there are no covid-restrictions). The electronic version of the form or reports must be sent by email to the teacher before the meeting. 





N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information