Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Giovanni LO CASTRO
Credit Value: 7
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Accompany the student in focusing on the processes that contribute to the construction of gender identification. Will be encouraged to develop a critical view of the most common stereotypes of interpreting reality, making use of knowledge that comes from developmental psychology, from ethology, sociology, anthropology and psychoanalysis.

Detailed Course Content

Focusing on the processes that contribute to the construction of a human being, to help him recognize the relationship between mental processes and brain functions its relational system. Will be encouraged to develop a critical view of the most common stereotypes of interpreting reality, making use of knowledge that comes from developmental psychology, from ethology, sociology, anthropology and psychoanalysis. Questions: The history and origins of mental health problems, from a perspective that looks at the human being as a result of the social system as a whole. The function of the mother and the father's role in the development process. Neurosis, psychosis and perversion: diagnosis and guidelines in the therapeutic relationship. Transference and countertransference. The diagnosis of the main manifestations of mental suffering.

Textbook Information

1. Recalcati M. L’uomo senza inconscio. Figure della nuova clinica. Ed. Raffaello Cortina. 2010.
2. Cosenza D. Jacques Lacan e il problema della tecnica psicoanalitica. Astrolabio Roma, 2003.
3. Zalcberg M. Cosa pretende una figlia dalla propria madre. Ed. Mimesis. 2014
4. Mendolicchio A. Bisogna pur mangiare. Nuove esperienze di cura e testimonianze inedite su anoressia, bulimia e obesità. ed. Lindau, To, 2017.

A text of your choice:

1. Ansermet F. Magistretti P. A ciascuno il suo cervello. Bollati-Boringhieri, Mi. 2008.
2. Lolli F. L’epoca dell’inconshow. Dimensione clinica e scenario sociale del fenomeno borderline. Ed. Mimesis, 2012

3. Lolli F. Prima di essere io. Il vivente, il linguaggio, la soggettivazione. Ed. Horthotes, Na-Sa, 2017