Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: ALESSIO ANNINO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to acquire pedagogical knowledge aimed at understanding the reality that surrounds us and critical analysis of social problems. The references for the acquisition of skills will be the ability to apply knowledge and understanding, the ability to analyze the social and territorial determinants that can favor or hinder the effectiveness and efficiency of educational policies. Then cultivate communication skills, making judgments and the ability to learn to promote active and truly participatory citizenship, also in accordance with the provisions of the Dublin Descriptors.

Course Structure

Lectures and discussions/debates also with the aid of audiovisuals and/or supplementary documents, also proposed by students to encourage reflection and active participation. Complementary activities on topics chosen with the students based on their interests.

Required Prerequisites

No particular prerequisites are required, apart from a knowledge of basic socio-cultural issues, attention to "what surrounds us" in daily life, news and sources of information, to cultivate the habit of "reading" in a critical and to reflect on the educational and cultural reality. Study methodology open to critical thinking and interdisciplinary study.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance at the lessons is recommended due to the peculiar teaching methods and methods used to deliver the teaching

Detailed Course Content

The course program intends to interest various areas of general pedagogy, starting preliminarily from a definition of the discipline, from its field of action, to arrive up to intercultural pedagogy, including the definitions of politics as active participation. The course then aims to dwell on the relationship between pedagogy and other sciences to try to understand the importance of education for sustainability and attention to environmental, labor and peaceful coexistence policies. A key point will be the analysis of the meanings of the constructs of education-education-training, while another important point is constituted by intercultural pedagogy as a fundamental discipline in the contemporary world, linked to education to otherness and to the importance of differences from a perspective of coexistence. One of the areas of discussion with the students will be to understand the importance of cultivating critical thinking as a tool for emancipation in a transitive perspective and for opening up a dialogue. The course deals with some issues of contemporary society, with particular reference to the contexts of lifelong learning, school, analysis and educational planning. The areas addressed will be: general pedagogy and educational interventions, historical and recent migrations; elements of intercultural didactics; active, responsible and participatory citizenship in projection on the territory, also thanks to the use of museums, libraries, websites and historical sites as possible paths for the interaction between different groups who live together in the same portion of the territory. The Course intends to contribute to some of the objectives set by the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development": GOAL 4: QUALITY EDUCATION. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. GOAL 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. GOAL 16: PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS. Promote peaceful and more inclusive societies for sustainable development; provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Textbook Information

· -F. Frabboni – F. Pinto Minerva, Manuale di pedagogia e didattica, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2021 (rist.); (da pp. 3 a 135, da pp. 255 a 322); pp. 200

·    - A. Mariani, a cura di, La relazione educativa. Prospettive contemporanee, Carocci, Roma 2021; (pp. 170

F.- De Bartolomeis, Percorsi educativi nello spazio e nel tempo, ZeroSei, Bergamo 2022; (pp. 74.)

·  - A. Annino, La cittadinanza planetaria nell’ottica della pedagogia critica, Anicia, Roma 2013, (pp. 170).

Saggi indicati per gli approfondimenti tematici

Giovanazzi, T. (2022). RiGenerazione Scuola: Un Piano per orientare l’educazione alla transizione ecologica. Formazione & insegnamento20(1 Tome I), 127-135.

Grange, T. (2018). Qualità dell’educazione e sviluppo sostenibile: un’alleanza necessaria, una missione pedagogica. Pedagogia oggi16(1).

Farné, R. (2018). L’insostenibile pesantezza dell’educazione. Pedagogia oggi16(1), 51-69,  

Fiorucci, M. (2018). Società e scuola inclusive per lo sviluppo sostenibile: il contributo della pedagogia interculturale. Pedagogia oggi16(1), 115-127

Dozza, L. (2018). Co-costruire pensiero ecologico per abitare la Terra. Pedagogia oggi16(1), 193-212.

Fabbri, M., & Soriani, A. (2021). Le sfide della scuola in una società complessa. Educare alla cittadinanza digitale per la costruzione di una cultura della democrazia. Pedagogia Oggi19(2), 054-063.

Pacetti, E., & Soriani, A. (2022). Insegnanti e competenze digitali: quale formazione iniziale e in servizio nel post pandemia?. Pedagogia Oggi20(1), 200-211.

Calvano, G. (2023). " Per fare la pace... ci vuole un fiore". Educare alla giustizia climatica per lo sviluppo sostenibile. MeTis-Mondi educativi. Temi indagini suggestioni13(1), 134-151.

Parricchi, M. A. (2018). Saperi e partecipazione. Verso una cittadinanza attiva. MeTis8(2), 208-220.

Gross, B. (2021). Educare per una società equa: l'educazione civica nella prospettiva della pedagogia interculturale e della cittadinanza. Pedagogia Oggi, 19(2), 71-78.

Castiglioni, M. (2022). Il Pedagogista in SanitàPedagogia oggi20(2), 50-59.

Marzano, A. (2023). Apprendere attraverso la valutazione tra pari nella formazione universitaria: I risultati di una esperienza didatticaPedagogia Oggi, 21(1), 81-88.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination. During the lessons, ongoing tests of formative evaluation will be foreseen.

During the test, the knowledge of the exam program, the critical-reflective ability with respect to the concepts and theories exposed, the use of the correct pedagogical language, the ability to connect theories and concepts to hypotheses of practical prefigurations will be verified.

The texts to be studied are the same for attending and non-attending students, as well as for Erasmus students. Vote in thirtieths.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Pedagogy between science and utopia;

Pedagogy as plural and complex knowledge;

The educational relationship: the teacher-learner relationship;

Integrated training system: characters and actors;

 The school;

Models of educational leadership;

The education to otherness;

Educational care;

The relationship between pedagogy and the environment;

Environmental sustainability