Academic Year 2018/2019 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff: Rossella FALANGA
Credit Value: 7
Taught classes: 30 hours
Laboratories: 12 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The aim of this cours are: to propose the main theoretical and research perspectives related to creativity, to introduce the use of specific terminology and to acquire knowledge of the main analytical methodologies adopted in the field of creative psychology, to understand and interpret the empirical data related to divergent thinking and creative yield, to recognize the possible fields of application also in relation to the possible professional application of the overall acquired skills.

At the end of the course students must be able to present the main theories on creativity, describe the methods of analysis and demonstrate to be able to apply them in real contexts, related to the profession of psychologist, to design and conduct activities aimed at improving the creative yield.

Course Structure

Course is stuctured in two sections: a) lectures and b) laboratory activities

Detailed Course Content

1) Main theoretical models related to creative process. Techniques to development and enhance divergent thinking.

2) Styles of thought.

3) Creativity from a psychoanalytic point of view.

3) Creativity and psychological resilience.

4) Empirical research on divergent thinking in relation to techniques for the improvement of creativity, personality and disability and creative personality.

Textbook Information

-Castelli C. (a cura di), Resilienza e creatività. Teorie e tecniche nei contesti di vulnerabilità, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2011

-Sternberg R.J., Stili di pensiero. Differenze individuali nell’apprendimento e nella soluzione dei problemi, Erickson, Trento, 1998.
-De Caroli M.E., Una briglia all’emozione. Creatività e Psicoanalisi, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 1996.

The following articles (see Studium)

- De Caroli M.E., Licciardello O. Falanga R., Sagone E. (2017) How can we enhance creativity in childhood? An action research with Italian children. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology INFAD Revista de Psicología, Nº1, 2017. ISSN: 0214-9877. pp:095-102

- Sagone E., De Caroli M.E. (2013) The Influence of Creative Personality Factors on Interpersonal Adjustment in Adolescents: W the Relationship? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 82, 131 – 136

-De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Creative thinking and Big Five Factors of personality measured in Italian school children. Psychological Reports ,Ammons Scientific, Missoula: USA, 2009, 105.

-De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Mental Synthesis and Creative Thinking in Learning Disabled Children. In: Pérez-Bustamante G., Phusavat K., Ferreira F. (eds.), Proceedings of the IASK International Conference on Teaching and Learning 2010, vol. I.

-Sagone E., De Caroli M.E., Mental Synthesis and Creative Thinking in Children with Socio-cultural Disadvantage in Learning Processes. In: Román Sanchez J.M., Carbonero Martìn M.A., y Valdivieso Pastor J.D. (Eds.), Educación, aprendizaje y desarollo en una sociadad multicultural, Asociación de Psicología y Educación, Calle Toledo, Madrid.

Laboratorio (per gli studenti frequentanti):
Saranno realizzate attività pratiche in relazione alle tematiche analizzate nel corso. La frequenza a tali attività è obbligatoria.

Laboratorio (per gli studenti non frequentanti):
-Petter G., La mente efficiente. Le condizioni che ostacolano o favoriscono l’attività di pensiero, Giunti, Firenze, 2002 (II and III sections).