Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° YearCredit Value: 8
Taught classes: 36 hours
Laboratories: 12 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
Learning objectives concern the acquisition of adequate knowledge on the psychological aspects related to disability and neurodevelopmental disorders, with particular reference to cognitive, motivational, emotional-affective, relational and personality problems. The course aims to present the basics for understanding the psychology of atypical development with the most current references to definitions, as well as cognitive skills for assessment, the examination of the relationships between disabilities and life contexts and some methods of psychological intervention. In addition, some issues relating to specific neurodevelopmental disorders and their evolution over time will be explored, with particular attention to the psychological processes involved. The issues will specifically concern:
role of clinical psychology in the study of disabilities
assessment tools
psychological interventions in disability
contexts of family and school life
fundamental principles of inclusion
Course Structure
Lectures and laboratory activities (workshop) with practical-guided exercises.
Detailed Course Content
Operation, disability and environmental factors: WHO classifications.
The concept of Disability proposed by the ICF; ICF and operating profile
The main classification systems (DSM 5 and ICD 10), the recent terminologies and the nosographic classification of the most frequent forms of disability
The different types of disabilities: sensory disabilities; motor disabilities; Neurodevelopmental disorders: intellectual disabilities; autism spectrum disorders; learning disabilities; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; language delays and disturbances The causal factors: genetic, pre-natal, peri-natal and post-natal. basic knowledge of the main deficit frameworks, relative to the defining characteristics and known causes. The diagnostic and evaluation tools.
Intellectual disability (psychodiagnostic tools, multidimensional approach, enabling interventions, comorbidities)
The main syndromes associated with Intellectual Disability
The main models of psycho-educational and neuropsychological intervention
Work in multidisciplinary teams
The life contexts of the person with developmental disorders: family, school, work.
The laboratory activities will consist in carrying out group exercises, aimed at practical-guided exercise on the administration and scoring of neuropsychological tests for the assessment of cognitive functions in disability and on the main methods of memory and attention rehabilitation. Furthermore, research results, illustrative cases and viewing of films will be shown to stimulate the links between theory and practice.
Textbook Information
Zanobini, M., Usai, M.C. (2018). Psicologia della disabilità e dei disturbi dello sviluppo. Elementi di riabilitazione e d'intervento. Milano: Franco Angeli. This volume must be studied in all its parts.
Vianello, R. (2015). Disabilità Intellettive. Bergamo: Junior. Chapters under study from 1st to 6th
Di Nuovo, S., Buono, S. (2010). Strumenti psicodiagnostici per il ritardo mentale. L’assessment psicologico nella disabilità intellettiva. Milano: Franco Angeli
The entire First Part (Chapter 1 and 2) and the 1st chapter of Part Two.
For students who do not attend the laboratory, additional study materials (scientific articles) will be provided on the "file" section in the dedicated classroom on Teams.