Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Maria Catena QUATTROPANI
Credit Value: 8
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The educational objectives concern the acquisition of adequate knowledge of the basic concepts and methods of clinical psychology and their application in the field of psychodiagnosis, psychological interventions and psychotherapy:

knowledge of the evolution of Clinical Psychology, history, methods, mind-body connection
knowledge of the bio-psycho-social approach in clinical psychology
knowledge of the diagnostic process and the relationship between clinical psychologist and patient
knowledge of the interview in clinical psychology and demand analysis
knowledge of the psychometric and clinical approach in psychodiagnosis
knowledge of the main psychodiagnostic tests
knowledge of psychological-clinical intervention methods
knowledge of the main theoretical orientations of psychotherapeutic treatments
At the end of the course, the student:

- will acquire the main concepts and method in clinical psychology;
- will know the main psychodiagnostic tests, clinical intervention techniques and psychotherapeutic approaches;

- will know the application fields of clinical psychology.

Course Structure

Lectures, in-depth seminars, case studies.

Detailed Course Content

The problem of the method in Clinical Psychology
the evolution of clinical psychology
nosographic-descriptive diagnostic systems
interpretative-explanatory diagnostic systems
the clinical interview in psychology
the diagnostic process in clinical psychology
the demand analysis technique
the collection of bio-psycho-social data in the diagnostic process;
the testological diagnosis
Psychodiagnostic tests for clinical assessment (cognitive evaluation, projective techniques, inventories and rating scales)
Main psychotherapeutic treatments (psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, family, group psychotherapy, third generation psychotherapies)

Textbook Information

1. Del Corno, F., & Lang, M. (2013). Elementi di Psicologia clinica. Milano: Franco Angeli.

In addition, the professor will provide some review articles of the scientific literature relating to research in clinical psychology.