Salvatore VASTA

Associate Professor of HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY [PHIL-05/A ]

I am PhD associate professor of History of philosophy. I hold two teaching positions: History of Philosophy (BD) and History of contemporary philosophy (MD). The personal research area is located in fields related to the History of the philosophy of Science, the History of Science and the History of Contemporary Philosophy, with particular reference to the issues of evolution, related to the foundations of the philosophy of culture and the theory of knowledge.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016


- Management and participation in research groups characterized by national or international collaborations

Participation in the PRIN research program 2005-2007 [prot. 2005111478] entitled: "Interculturality." Messina Unit - (National coordinator Prof. G. Cacciatore)

Co-designer and participant in the research project funded in the EU FP7 - Project ID: 217796 MIRRORS: "Monitoring Ideas Regarding Research Organizations and Reasons in Science" Coordinator prof. F. Coniglione [] from 01-01-2008 to 31-12-2009

Participation in the PRIN 2007 research program [2007RJ73T4_001] entitled: "Historical culture and scientific culture: developments and interactions in the modern and contemporary age" - duration 24 months. (National Coordinator Prof. F. Coniglione)
from 09/22/2008 to 12/31/2010

Key staff member and co-responsible unit of the Jean Monnet Program "New skills for new challenges: sharing and boosting knowledge on European policies" (154345 - LLP-1-2009-IT-AJM-MO) (2009-2015) Head prof. Francesca Longo, University of Catania.
from 01-01-2009 to 31-12-2015

Participation in the PRIN 2010-2011 research program [2010RXPK8N_004] entitled: "Moral reflection in the face of the mind / body problem. Historical problems and theoretical perspectives." Catania Unit - (National coordinator Prof. F. Biasutti)
from 01-01-2010 to 31-12-2011

Participation in the international research group FIR 2014, funded by the University of Catania. [Proiect iD: 5D6BB2] Project title: "Reason and not reason in the history of thought. The permanent conflict between Apollo and Dionysus from ancient philosophy to neuroscience". Head of Prof. L. Cardullo.

from 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2016

P.I. and coordinator of the international research group FIRD 2017, funded by the University of Catania. Project title: "Future archetypes. Forms, functions, meanings and styles in the relation of Mythos and Logos".
from 07-11-2017 - in progress

- Participation in the Teaching Committee and assignment of teaching assignments in research doctorates accredited by the Ministry

Participation in the teaching staff of the research doctorate: "HUMAN SCIENCES" [DOT0508872]. Proposing university: University of CATANIA
Starting academic year: 2009 - Cycle: XXV - Duration: 3 years.
from 01-01-2009 to 31-12-2011

Lecture held in the Doctorate of "Human Sciences" University of Catania: 'The evolutionary question in the human sciences of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: principles and ideologies'. 1/2 - 26 January 2010 (3 hours)
from 26-01-2010 to 26-01-2010

Lecture held in the Doctorate of "Human Sciences" University of Catania: 'The evolutionary question in the human sciences between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: principles and ideologies. 2/2 - 6 April 2010 (3 hours)
from 06-04-2010 to 06-04-2010

Lecture held in the Doctorate of "Human Sciences" University of Catania, entitled: 'Theory of knowledge and philosophy of science in the culture of the nineteenth century' 1/2. April 14, 2011 (3 hours)
from 14-04-2011 to 15-04-2011

Lecture held in the Doctorate of "Human Sciences" University of Catania, entitled: 'Theory of knowledge and philosophy of science in the culture of the nineteenth century' 2/2
15 April 2011 (3 hours)
from 14-04-2011 to 15-04-2011

Participation in the teaching staff of the research doctorate: "PHILOSOPHY" [DOT1314122]. Proposing university: University of MESSINA. Starting academic year: 2013 - Cycle: XXIX - Duration: 3 years
from 01-01-2013 to 31-12-2016

Lecture held in the inter-university Doctorate of "Philosophy" at the headquarters of the University of Catania. Title: 'Contemporary theories on causality: an epistemological approach'. September 25, 2014 (3 hours)
from 25-09-2014 to 25-09-2014

Participation in the teaching committee of the research doctorate: "INTERPRETATION SCIENCES" [DOT1708948]. University proposing: University of CATANIA Starting academic year: 2017 - ongoing.

- Research periods abroad

Research period abroad, Canada September-October 2013 (Département de philosophie et des arts Université du Québec à Trois-Rivièrer) and University of Bishop, with related research seminar entitled: "From Darwin to Lorenz. How to Metaphor can be transformed into an Analogy ".

Research period abroad from 9/17/07 to 10/31/07 in the College of Liberal Arts - University of Nevada, Reno as holder of the research project "Evolution and Cognition in the Epistemology of Nineteenth Century" - Winner of the Stock Exchange of study for research abroad (DR University of Catania March 25, 2004 / No. 195).

from 09/17/2007 to 10/31/2007

Research period abroad from 01/07/09 to 28/08/09 in the College of Liberal Arts - University of Nevada, Reno as a participant in the research project MIRRORS.
from 01-07-2009 to 08.8.2009

Research period abroad with PRIN funds, as part of the Prin 2010-2011 - Imperial College, London 2013
from 23-08-2013 to 10-10-2013


Institutional Assignments

2017- to date

Quality Manager Study Course in Pedagogical Sciences and Educational Planning (LM 85 - Pedagogical Sciences) - University of Catania.


Member of the University Disciplinary Committee

2016 -2018

Delegate of the Director of the Department of Education Sciences Delegate for the department's website.


Member of the Study Group Review Group in Pedagogical Sciences and Educational Planning (LM 85 - Pedagogical Sciences) - University of Catania.
Activities carried out: compilation of annual and cyclical reports.


Internal monitoring and evaluation expert
Master in "Expert in job placement services" - second edition
University of Catania CIP 2007.IT.051.PO.003 // IV / I2 / F / 9.2.14 / 1371- CUP: E65C10000870009


Internal monitoring and evaluation expert
Master in "Expert in job placement services" - first edition
University of Catania CIP 2007.IT.051.PO.003 // IV / I2 / F / 9.2.14 / 1371- CUP: E65C10000870009


Member of study plans commissions
Study courses: Educational sciences - Pedagogical sciences

N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information