Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: ERMANNO TAVIANI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to understand the historical roots of the most significant cultural, political and social processes of today's world, as part of a global history.  The aim is also to provide an overview of the foundations of the historical method. The monographic part of the course will focus on the History of Women in 20 Century's Italy.

Course Structure

Lectures with projection of audiovisual documents. Attending students will carry out an ongoing test.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites are required.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance of the lessons is strongly recommended for all students.

Detailed Course Content

Italian, European and World History from 1900 to the present. The great issues of contemporary history from the “Age of Revolutions” to the globalization age. The Nation-State: Germany and Italy. Nationalism and Imperialism. Industrialisation and political change 1870-1914. The World War I. Postwar and revolution. Fascism and communism. The 1929 crisis and his consequences. The Thirties. The World War Two. The Cold War. The “Golden Age”. The Cultural and Social Revolution. Welfare State and citizenship. The European integration. The Italian Republic. From the Oil Crisis to 1989. The fall of the Berlin wall and its consequences. Changes and conflicts in a global world. Historical research methods. 

Monographic course: The history of women in Italy in the twentieth century from the Giolittian age to the present day.

Textbook Information

1) Monina, Motta, Pavone, Taviani, Processo storico, vol. 3, Dal Novecento a oggi, Loescher, Torino 2017. The texts of the chapters and of the boxes.


2) Perry Willson, Italiane, biografia del Novecento, Laterza, varie edizioni (2017).

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1The '900: an overview. The years 1900-1914Processo storico, chapter 1
2World War I and the Russian RevolutionProceso storico, chapters 2-3
3The Postwar age. Fascism in ItalyProceso storico, chapters 4-6
4The 1929 crisis, the New Deal. Continents on the marchProcesso storico, chapters 5-8
5The Totalitarian regimes. Shoah.Processo storico, chapter 7 snd 11
6The Thirties and the Second World WarProcesso storico, chapters 9-10
7The Postwar period and the Cold War.The Golden Age; DecolonizationProcesso storico, chapters 12-15
8Italy from the Economic Miracle to todayProcesso storico, chapters 16, 18
9From the Sixties  to the end of the Cold War. Globalization's scenarios. Europe and the challenges of the global era.Processo storico, chapters 17-23
10History of women in Italy: from the early twentieth century to fascismWilson, italiane, chapters 1-5
11History of women in Italy: in the War and in the the second post-war periodWilson, italiane, chapters 6-8
12History of women in Italy:from the sixties to todayWilson, italiane, chapters 9-10

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam includes an oral examination. There is also a "prova in itinere". Students who obtain a grade of at least 18/30 will be able to complete the exam on the remainder of the program in the appeals of the subsequent sessions. Students who have not taken part in the ongoing test or who have not passed it can take the exam on the entire program in the official exam sessions. The evaluation will be based on: ability of exposure and lexical correctness; elaboration of knowledge and in-depth analysis of contents.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The questions will focus on the main topics of the course. Examples: Belle Epoque Europe; the first and second world wars; the Russian Revolution; the first postwar period; fascism and Nazism; the crisis of '29 and the New Deal; the Shoah; the cold war; the foundation of democratic Italy; the "golden age"; decolonization; the sixties; the Vietnam War; Italy from 1945 to today; the crisis of the 1970s; united Europe; the fall of the Berlin Wall; the globalization. The history of tourism from the Roman Time to today. Modern tourism. Mass tourism, post-modern tourism. The organization of the tourist offer. 

The condition of women in early 20th century Italy. Women during the fascist regime. World wars and women. Women in Republican Italy.