Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° Year - Curriculum Educatore nei servizi per l'infanzia
Teaching Staff: Maria Anna CONIGLIO
Credit Value: 10
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course students should be able to:

• Knowledge the main principles of Hygiene and Health Education.

• Identify and analyse factors related to health.

• Knowledge the main principles of prevention of the diseases.

• Contribute to carry out health promotion programmes.

Course Structure

This course covers basic epidemiology, demographic and statistic principles, concepts, and procedures useful in the surveillance and investigation of health-related states or events. It also covers ... related to infectious and non infectious diseases (related to lifestyles), as well as environmental hygiene, food and nutrition hygiene and health education and promotion.

Detailed Course Content

1. Objectives of Hygiene and Health Education (Cap. 1 – from page 1 to page 5).

2. Introduction to epidemiology and demography (Cap. 3 – from page 17 to page 41).

3. Health promotion and prevention of the diseases (Cap. 4 – from page 43 to page 52)

4. Health Education (Cap. 5 – from page 53 to page 73).

5. Infectious diseases: epidemiology (Cap. 6 – from page 75 to page 92).

6. Infectious diseases: prevention (Cap. 7 – from page 93 to page 123).

7. Non infectious diseases: epidemiology (Cap. 8 – from page 125 to page 133).

5. Non infectious diseases: prevention (Cap. 9 – from page 134 to page 147).

6. Epidemiology and prevention of the main infectious diseases. Infectious diseases preventable by vaccination: flue; diphtheria; tetanus; pertussis; poliomyelitis; viral hepatitis B; bacterial meningitides; mumps; parotitis; rubella; varicella. Infectious diseases preventable by correct behaviours: viral gastroenteritis; viral hepatitis A; typhoid fever; tuberculosis. Sexual and parenteral-transmitted infectious diseases: AIDS; viral hepatitis C; HPV (Cap. 10 – from page 149 to page 228).

7. Food hygiene (Cap. 12 – from page 261 to page 282).

8. Nutritional hygiene and alimentary education (Cap. 13 – from page 283 to page 305).

9. Life-styles and health (Cap. 14 – from page 307 to page 321).

10. Hygiene and environmental education: environmental pollution (Cap. 20 – from page 393 to page 401); hygiene of water (Cap. 20 – from page 401 to page 413; from page 419 to page 421); hygiene of air and air pollution (Cap. 20 – from page 426 to page 434).

Textbook Information

Barbuti S., Fara G.M., Giammanco G., Carducci A., Coniglio M.A., D’Alessandro D., Montagna M.T., Tanzi M.L., Zotti C.M. Igiene. III ediz., Monduzzi, Bologna, 2011.