Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year - Curriculum Educatore nei servizi per l'infanzia
Teaching Staff: Alessia Maria GERVASI
Credit Value: 10
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 60 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aim is to provide the main theories linked to developmental and educational psychology and focused on processualities connected with the individual development with reference to principal formative agencies. It is focused on family context throught the analysis of representation of parenthood dimmensions and on school context by empirical evidences centrered on creativity. In detail, the main attention is given to the analysis of gender stereotypes. From methodological point of view, the techniques of observation of behavior will deepen with the realization of activities produced by university students. At the end of this course, university students will be able to apply the contents and the methodologies of developmental psychology to their future professional activity, to collaborate for creating of activities linked to individual well-being in everyday life.

Course Structure

Face to face lessons

Detailed Course Content

1) Developmental areas of psychology according to the following perspectives: Piaget, Kohlberg, Erikson, Freud, Ainsworth, Mahler, Spitz, etc.

2) Gender stereotyping

3) Parenthood, motherhood and fatherhood

4) Creativity and divergent thinking: theory and researches

5) Techniques of observational behavior

Textbook Information

Berti A.E., Bombi A.S. (2018), Corso di psicologia dello sviluppo, Il Mulino, Bologna, ultima edizione 2018.

De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Un “puzzle” di genere, un “genere” di puzzle, Bonanno Editore, Acireale-Roma, 2009.

De Caroli M.E., Sagone E., Maternità e paternità. Punti di vista a confronto sulla genitorialità, Bonanno Editore, Acireale-Roma, 2011.

De Caroli M.E., Pensare, essere, fare … creativamente, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2009.

Baumgartner E., L'osservazione del comportamento infantile. Teorie e strumenti, Carocci, Roma, 2a Edizione, 2017.

Perciavalle V., Coco M., Sagone E. et al. (a cura di), Disabil-mente. L'integrazione scolastica nell'età evolutiva, G.Maimone Editore, Catania, 2017 (Working groups will be organized to deal with the main topics included into the text).