Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° YearCredit Value: 10
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 60 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
The course is divided into five modules . The first two modules are devoted to the fundations of the discipline ; the third and fourth and fifth modules are orinted to the direct contact with monographic issues . The basic modules are designed in order to acquire the specific "language" of the discipline , the key concepts and theories of sociology and the important stages of the development of sociologicy as scientific disicpline. The aim of the monographic modules is to propose an in depth reading that , between theory and research, emphasizes the relevance of specific issues that involve both our regional environments and the wider Italian and European societies .
Course Structure
The course is divided into five modules. The first two are dedicated to the fundamentals of the discipline; the third and fourth modules have a monographic character. The basic modules (1 and 2) have the task of making students acquire the specific language of the discipline, the fundamental concepts and theories of sociology and also, in an exemplary way, some important figures and stages of the development of sociological thought. The aim of the monographic modules is to propose an in-depth reading that, between theory and research, underlines the relevance of concepts and dynamics of contemporary social change that involve both the territorial reality of reference and the entire corporate community.
Module V, differs for the two curricula of the Degree Course in Education Sciences. It is divided as follows:
Open Source Article curriculum "Educator of childhood" - Leonora A. M. "Mamma ho capito come funziona la scuola. Posso restare a casa?” Per una prospettiva sociologica sulle pratiche homeschooling in Italia
available in:
Open Source Article curriculum "Community educator" - Daher L. M. et alii "AMBIVALENZE DI LEGALITÀ. LA RELAZIONE TRA NORME E VALORI IN AMBITO GIOVANILE" pp 1-18
available in:
Basic topics: - Introduction to sociology: object, method, research and typology of sociological theories; - Social elements and processes: culture, structure, socialization, social interaction, groups and organizations, deviance and social control, stratification and social classes, social and ethnic inequality; - Inequalities;? - Main social institutions: family, education, religion,? - Society and change: collective behavior and social movements. Monographic topics: - Identity and identity dynamics; Social development and research methodology in the classics of sociology, authors and problems.
Detailed Course Content
The course is composed by five modules. The first and the second module focus onto the epistemological foundation of the discipline; the third, fourth and fifth module are monographical. The main focus of the first and the second module is to present the main sociological concept and theories. Moreover, a special attention will be dedicated to the sociology’ founding fathers. The monographic section of the course permit to directly interact with the classics of sociological toughts, both in Italian and European perspective.
Textbook Information
Module 1: N. J. Smelser, Manuale di sociologia, il Mulino, Bologna 2011 (edizioni: Quinta e Quarta); Capitoli: I; II; III; IV; V; VI; VII; IX, X; XIII; XIV; XV; XIX
Module 2: Luigi Sturzo, Sulle questioni sociali, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma 2011
Module 3: Stanislaw Ossowski, Sulla patria e la nazione, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma 2015
Module 4: Augusto Gamuzza, La costruzione dello spazio sociale. Il caso di Piazza Armerina, Pellegrini, Cosenza 2012
Module 5 Curriculum "Educatore dell’infanzia” - Leonora A. M. “Mamma ho capito come funziona la scuola. Posso restare a casa?” Per una prospettiva sociologica sulle pratiche homeschooling in Italia” in:
Module 5 Curriculum "Educatore di comunità” Daher L. M. et alii “Ambivalenze di legalità. La relazione tra norme e valori in ambito giovanile” pag da 1 a 18 in: