Academic Year 2015/2016 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Francesca PULVIRENTI
Credit Value: 10
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 60 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

In recent decades, within the field of postcognitivist and constructivist research, a line of research has been developed that takes as its focus of investigation "personal and professional epistemologies" in a qualitative and narrative approach. Narrating oneself, shaping personal and professional biographies, seems to represent the way to discover one’s own identity, to change and give quality to a working reality in transformation. Therefore, training as a discursive and planning place and space, where professionals, speaking of themselves and putting in words their actions, can interpret and reshape their professional self. The course aims to promote in students a reflection on the relationship between narrative, semplexity and education suggesting a methodological path able to combine academic research with education and the development of personal and professional resources.

The program in particular it aims to offer, through the testimony of experts in narrative practices, tools for a greater dissemination and understanding of the meaning that narrative has in the new conceptual framework within which, today, in different fields and in different territories, we define education and the new logics of educational actions.In this context, narrative, semplex route to new logics of educational activity, hermeneutic tool, stands as a paradigm able to rethink the narrative identity of "childhood", "women", "professional Self" and "digital Self", opening up semplex spaces for childhood experience, women’s changing experience, and for the professional and digital Self.It aims so to suggest a possible methodological path, able to combine research dimension with that of education and development of personal and professional resources.

Textbook Information

F.Pulvirenti, La semplessità come paradigma per ripensare l’identità narrativa, Edizioni della Fondazione Nazionale “Vito Fazio-Allmayer”, Palermo 2013, pp. 1-264.

F. Pulvirenti (a cura), Pratiche narrative per la formazione, Collana Quaderni di M@gm@, Aracne, Roma 2008, pp. 1-164.

B. Rossi, Pedagogia delle organizzazioni. Il lavoro come formazione, Guerini, Milano 2008, pp. 1-286.

S. Ulivieri, I. Biemmi (a cura di), Storie di donne. Autobiografie al femminile e narrazione identitaria, Guerini, Milano, 2011, pp.1-216.