Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Francesca PULVIRENTI
Credit Value: 10
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 60 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

The course in General Pedagogy aims to provide an overall frame to the current identity of pedagogy, as a possible science of the educational process, in relation to today's epistemological debate and to the role that the scientific model assumes in legitimizing a configuration of pedagogy as "knowledge of the actual and "contemporary", as "knowledge of reason and heart," as " plural knowledge," as "projectual knowledge".

Within a knowledge with a constructivist identity, among the many entries, the program focuses on a systemic-relational turning point in order to: suggest, through the pedagogical itineraries of Bateson, Lipman, Novak, lines of research for a deconstruction and re-construction of the process of knowledge and the promotion of a responsible attitude towards oneself and others; promote a reflection on an educational practice that will make the people in education aware of the right to educate oneself to interdependence: interdependence between cultures, interdependence between personal stories, interdependent systems.

Textbook Information

• P. Orefice, Pedagogia scientifica, Roma, Editori Riuniti 2009, pp. 1-300.
• B. Rossi, Avere cura del cuore. L’educazione del sentire, Roma, Carocci editore 2006, pp. 1-263.
• F. Pulvirenti, Responsabilità e formazione. Epistemologie personali in reti di incontro: Bateson, Lipman, Novak, Pisa, ETS 2011, pp. 1-177.
• F. Pulvirenti, Educarsi all’interdipendenza. Saggi sulla formazione, Lecce, Pensa MultiMedia 2004, pp. 1- 142.