Academic Year 2017/2018 - 1° Year - Curriculum Educatore sociale e di comunita'Credit Value: 10
Scientific field: M-PED/02 - HISTORY OF EDUCATION
Taught classes: 60 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
The general part aims to outline a systematic framework of the history of education, with reference to socio-pedagogical problems and currents of thought, from ancient Egypt up to the present day. The special part deepens the scientific-philosophical debate on the ideals of equality, progress and freedom, on reason and science, of the eighteenth century, which spelled out the "political-social" centrality of reflection on the theme of education and education . The monographic part deepens the relationship between pedagogy and politics in the social history of education.
Detailed Course Content
Overall objective is to introduce to the subjects and the problems of the historiography education in language clear and very simple. The course also wants to offer a systematic framework of the history of the ideas, culture, education through the ages.
The topics of this course are: the relationship between pedagogy and politics in the social history; the methodology of historical research in education; history of education.
Textbook Information
A. General Section
1. M. A. Manacorda, Storia illustrata dell'educazione. Dall’antico Egitto e fino ai nostri giorni, Giunti, Firenze, 1992.
2. A. Criscenti (a cura di), A proposito dell'History Manifesto. Nuove tendenze per la ricerca storico-educativa, Fondazione Vito Fazio Allmayer, Palermo 2016.
B. Special Section
1. A. Criscenti, Istruzione ed educazione negli scritti giovanili di Condorcet. Traduzione italiana delle Réflexions et notes sur l’éducation (1773-1782), Pellegrini, Cosenza, 1996.
2. S. Lentini, Lumi, Arte, Rivoluzione in Spagna: la “pedagogia sociale” di Francisco Goya y Lucientes, Unicopli, Milano 2015.
C. Lectures
1. A. Criscenti, Progettare la formazione per i minori. Saggio di pedagogia critica, CUECM, Catania, 2010 .