Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year - Curriculum Unico
Teaching Staff: Mela ALBANA
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

To outline the history of Rome from the foundation to the end of imperial unity;

to present aims and instruments of the methodology of historical research: interpreting the past through the ancient sources and to locate events in a diachronic line in the geographical frame of reference;

to define the complex “issues” of the discipline in the light of modern historiographical debate

Detailed Course Content

The origins of Rome and the monarchical age;

Republican Rome: social, political and religious organization;

expansionism in the Mediterranean basin;

Imperial Rome: social and political organization of the Principate;

the third century: economic problems and social dynamics;

Christianity and Empire;

bureaucratization in Late Antiquity;

the fall of the Western Roman Empire

Textbook Information

a) E. Gabba - D. Foraboschi - D. Mantovani - E. Lo Cascio - L. Troiani, Introduzione alla storia di Roma, Milano, LED, 2002, Capp. 1-8, 9 (§§ 12-15), 10-17;

or G. Geraci - A. Marcone, Storia Romana, Le Monnier, Firenze 2011 ;

or G.A. Cecconi, La città e l’impero, Roma, Carocci 2009.

b) G. Poma (a cura di), La storia antica. Metodi e fonti per lo studio, Il Mulino 2016

The consultation of a historical atlas is recommended