Academic Year 2021/2022 - 3° Year - Curriculum Educatore nei servizi per l'infanzia
Teaching Staff: Emanuele PIAZZA
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The expected learning objectives, declined according to the Dublin Descriptors, are the following:

- Knowledge and understanding (DD1) = The course investigates the dimension of childhood in the Middle Ages, offering students a critical approach to the different cultural, social and religious facets of this issue, also framing it in the context of the political transformations that occurred in this era.

- Applying knowledge and understanding (DD2) = The student will acquire the skills to connect the theoretical and methodological contents learned with the interpretation of past, present and future events and processes.

- Making judgements (DD3) = The student will acquire the ability to make critical judgments of the content learned and grasp the connection between the objectives and results of research in the field of medieval childhood.

- Communication (DD4) = Student's competence in justifying historiographical knowledge and methodologies in oral and written form is one of the educational objectives of the discipline.

- Lifelong learning skills (DD5) = The student will acquire the cognitive tools necessary to deal with complex historiographical issues and also to focus on training needs.

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

During the lessons topics such as, for example, the daily life of the child, his education, the role of the mother, the value of the figure of the child in the medieval mentality will be focused.

Textbook Information

1) A. Giallongo, Il bambino medievale, Edizioni Dedalo, Bari, 2019.

2) C. Urso, Le bambole nel Medioevo e oltre: valenza ludica, simbolica e allegorica, «Annali della facoltà di Scienze della formazione - Università degli studi di Catania», 17 (2018), pp. 53-73.

3) A. Giallongo, Rappresentazioni sentimentali dell’infanzia, «Studi sulla formazione», 13 (2010), pp. 57-68.