Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year - Curriculum Educatore sociale di comunita'
Teaching Staff: Roberta PIAZZA
Credit Value: 10
Taught classes: 60 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The aims of the discipline are:

to acquire the specific language of the discipline;

to recognize some elements of historical development of adult education (AE);

to identify epistemological framework of AE;

to identify main research topics;

to identify contexts and methodologies for AE;

to recognize international guidelines for AE.

Course Structure

The course is organised into lectures (about 40% of classroom hours) and classroom work based on active learning activities (60%). Students will be asked to re-elaborate the contents of the lessons, work in small groups, present the work done; report on case studies and on-field researches.

During the classroom activities students will be able to actively work on the learning contents of the course. Lectures will alternate moments of group and individual work; guided study moments; presentation of the learning products that the students themselves will have prepared. These activities will be considered as formative assessment, aimed at allowing the student to self-assess the level of mastery of the contents.

A written written exam is scheduled, to be held in November (the calendar will be agreed in October).

Non-attending students can contact the teacher directly for clarification on the course contents. For Erasmus students there is the possibility of agreeing the exam program after an interview.

Detailed Course Content

Elements of history of adult education in Europe

From the campains against illiteracy in Italy to the Centers for Lifelong Learning of Adults in Italy

Lifelong learning

Adult Learning: some theories (transformative learning, experiential learning, andragogy)

Adult Learning in the workplace. Continuing education

Theories on adulthood

Social inclusion: the pedagogy of the oppressed

Textbook Information

Alberici, M., Imparare sempre nella società della conoscenza, Mondadori, Milano, 2002, pp. 1-160

Freire, P., Pedagogy of the oppressed, Continuum, London- New York, 2007

Mezirow, J., Learning as Transformation: Critical Perspectives on a Theory in Progress. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 2000.

Cerrocchi L., Dozza L. (a cura di), Contesti educativi per il sociale. Progettualità, professioni e setting per il benessere individuale e di comunità, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2018 e, in particolare,:
Elena Zizioli, Il carcere-cantiere: percorsi di responsabilizzazione per donne recluse ; Barbara Bocchi, Il posto giusto per la persona: esperienze di inserimento lavorativo mirato; Laura Cerrocchi, I servizi residenziali per anziani.