Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year - Curriculum Educatore sociale di comunita'
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 10
Scientific field: M-PED/02 - HISTORY OF EDUCATION
Taught classes: 54 hours
Laboratories: 15 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • History of Education

    The social history of education is a research discipline that tends to analyze, in a historical key, the relationship between education and society, starting from the assumption that every formative experience is in itself a concretely social experience, and that, the pedagogical interventions of various kinds (education, free time, etc.). descend from ideological and political choices. In this perspective, the course intends to offer a systematic framework of the history of ideas, culture and pedagogy, starting from Ancient Egypt up to the present day. The aim of the course is also to introduce the themes and problems of historiography of education, making the specialized language of pedagogy and of the history of education clear and explicit.

  • Historical and educational research laboratory

    The laboratory aims to offer students the opportunity to experiment with the survey methods presented during the lectures, through which they will be able to read, analyze and interpret various types of archival sources (written, iconographic, multimedia , etc.).

Course Structure

  • History of Education

    Frontal lessons

  • Historical and educational research laboratory

    Analysis and interpretation of texts, archive materials, iconographic and audiovisual sources.

Detailed Course Content

  • History of Education

    The general part intends to provide students with a systematic framework of the history of pedagogy, with particular reference to socio-pedagogical problems, to the currents of thought and to authors, from ancient Egypt up to the present day and an analysis of the most current trends in international historical-educational research.

    The special part intends to deepen that phase of social democratization, which began historically and culturally in late eighteenth-century Europe, during which the scientific-philosophical debate on the ideals of equality, progress and freedom, on reason and science, made explicit the "political-social" centrality of reflection on the theme of education and education.

    The monographic part foresees the deepening of the relationship between training processes and social structure, highlighting the intercurrent relationship between pedagogy and politics in the social history of education.

  • Historical and educational research laboratory

    Critical knowledge of the correspondence between political mandate, pedagogical theories, school legislation and educational practices.

Textbook Information

  • History of Education

    A. General Section

    1. M. A. Manacorda, Storia illustrata dell'educazione. Dall’antico Egitto e fino ai nostri giorni, Giunti, Firenze, 1992 (252 pp.).

    2. A. Criscenti (a cura di), A proposito dell'History Manifesto. Nuove tendenze per la ricerca storico-educativa, Fondazione Vito Fazio Allmayer, Palermo 2016 (fino a p. 171)


    B. Special Section


    1. S. Lentini, Lumi, Arte, Rivoluzione in Spagna: la “pedagogia sociale” di Francisco Goya y Lucientes, Unicopli, Milano 2015 (137 pp.).

    2. S. A. Scandurra, Scuola e lavoro. Educazione, formazione e sistema duale di apprendimento in Italia dall’Unità ad oggi, Edizioni della Fondazione Nazionale “Vito Fazio Allmayer”, Palermo 2019. (167 pp.)


    C. Lectures

    1. A. Criscenti, Progettare la formazione per i minori. Saggio di pedagogia critica, CUECM, Catania, 2010 (168 pp.) .


    Erasmus or worker students will be able to arrange alternative programs with the teacher.

  • Historical and educational research laboratory

    Teaching material provided by the teacher via STUDIUM