Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year - Curriculum Educatore nei servizi per l'infanziaCredit Value: 6
Scientific field: M-PED/02 - HISTORY OF EDUCATION
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The course aims to introduce the student to the study of the history of schools and educational institutions through the methodological and critical lenses of the annalistic historiographical tradition (nouvelle histoire), and with a long-term historiographical perspective (longue durée).
This perspective will allow the student to have a broad vision of the history of the school and of educational institutions, in Europe and in the West, in the light of the progressive conquest of the "right to education and education" and civil, political "rights" and social issues connected to it.
Course Structure
Frontal lessons
Detailed Course Content
With the aim of connecting the history of the school and educational institutions to the broader and more articulated social history of education, the course will focus on the following topics:
- The civil and cultural revolutions of the Enlightenment and the birth of the public school;
- Schools and educational institutions in the pre-unification states;
- Nurseries and kindergartens in the history of Italian education;
- History of the school and university in Italy, from the Casati law to the present day;
- Deviance and education in the social history of education;
- Institutions and experiences for the social recovery of the deviant minor in the social history of education.
Textbook Information
A. General Section
F. De Giorgi, A. Gaudio, F. Pruneri(eds.), Manuale di Storia della scuola italiana, Scholé, Brescia, 2019 (pp. 368)
S. Lentini, L’educazione in carcere. Profili storico-pedagogici della pena, Fondazione Nazionale Vito Fazio- Allmayer, Palermo, 2012 (pp. 150 cc)
B. Special Section
A. Criscenti Grassi, Condorcet. Istruzione, potere, libertà nei mémoires sur l’instruction publique (1791-92), in «Spazio filosofico», 2014, pp. 163-171. Link alla versione Open access http://www.spaziofilosofico.it/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Criscenti.pdf
S. Lentini, “Per te ci vuole la Garaventa!”: esperienze di educazione per il recupero sociale di minori a Genova (1833-1977), in «Quaderni di Intercultura», Anno IX/2017, pp. 82-96. Link alla versione Open access http://cab.unime.it/journals/index.php/qdi/article/view/1753/1401
Erasmus or worker students will be able to arrange alternative programs with the teacher.