Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year - Curriculum Educatore nei servizi per l'infanzia
Teaching Staff: Augusto Giuseppe GAMUZZA
Credit Value: 8
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The main objective of the course in General Sociology is to provide students with the essential knowledge and main sociological concepts. In this way, the course introduces sociology as a scientific discipline that studies society in its relational and institutional dimensions. The student can be trained to explore social reality avoiding "taken for granted perspective" with different activities and seminars, workgroups and other possibilities to co-create the sociology course learning path.

Course Structure

The course is divided into three modules. The first is dedicated to the sociological fundamentals

The second module is a monographic exploring a classic of the Italian sociological panorama: Luigi Sturzo

The third module aims at representing the current debate in the social sciences through the possibility for the student to choose from a list of OER (open educational resources) articles from class A scientific journals for the ERC sector 14 / C1 "Sociolgia Generale". The selection of the resources of the third module was carried out in compliance with the educational objectives of the social educator and community curriculum. The class mission is: giving to the students the specific language of the discipline, the fundamental concepts and theories.

For ERASMUS students, it will be possible to integrate (in accordance with the Lecturer) the list with items in English, French, Spanish.

Detailed Course Content

Basic topics: - Introduction to sociology: object, method, research and typology of sociological theories; - Social elements and processes: culture, structure, socialization, social interaction, groups and organizations, deviance and social control, stratification and social classes, social and ethnic inequality; - Inequalities;

Main social institutions: family, education, religion,

Society and change: collective behaviour and social movements.

Monographic topics: - Identity and identity dynamics;

Social development and research methodology in the classics of sociology, authors and problems. ​

Textbook Information


- N. J. Smelser, Manuale di sociologia, il Mulino, Bologna 2011 (edizioni: Quinta e Quarta); Capitoli: I; II; III; IV; V; VI; VII; IX, X; XIII; XIV; XV; XIX


- Luigi Sturzo, Sulle questioni sociali, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma 2011 pp, 7-95


Maria Carmen Belloni, « L’infanzia è diventata un fenomeno sociale? Contributi al dibattito sulla fondazione di un nuovo paradigma sociologico », Quaderni di Sociologia, 42 | 2006, 7-39. URL: ;

Debora Mantovani e Giancarlo Gasperoni, « Il divario di genere nell’interazione fra genitori e docenti nelle scuole italiane », Quaderni di Sociologia, 74 | 2017, 53-76. URL: ;

Carlo Barone, Giovanni Abbiati e Davide Azzolini, « Quanto conviene studiare? », Quaderni di Sociologia, 64 | 2014, 11-40. URL: ;

Giovanni Abbiati, Gianluca Argentin, Giulia Assirelli, Carlo Barone e Antonio Schizzerotto, « Orientamento educativo e disuguaglianze di fronte all’istruzione universitaria in Italia: risultati da un esperimento randomizzato », Quaderni di Sociologia, 74 | 2017, 7-31. URL: ;

Pitzalis, M., De Feo, A. (2019). Micropolitics of School Innovation: Recruiting, Mobilizing and Converting Teachers. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 69-90. doi: 10.14658/pupj-ijse-2019-1-4 in: ;

Segatto, B., Dal Ben, A. (2019). Gender and Affectivity Awareness in Kindergarten: An Educational Pathway for Boys, Girls and Their Teachers. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 184- 204. doi: 10.14658/pupj-ijse-2019-1-9 in: ;

Federica Cornali, « Tutti in classe! », Quaderni di Sociologia, 47 | 2008, 69-96. URL:;

Antonio de Lillo, « Preadolescenza: un’età problematica », Quaderni di Sociologia, 62 | 2013, 7-21. URL: ;

Manuela Olagnero e Dario Rei, « L’ascolto dei bambini da principio normativo a pratica sociale: osservazioni dal contesto torinese », Quaderni di Sociologia, 42 | 2006, 101-131. URL: ;

Luca Bianchi e Serena Liani, « Fidarsi della fiducia? », Quaderni di Sociologia, 74 | 2017, 127-140. URL: ;

Michelangelo Pascali, « Estetica ed etica del “cibo-senza cibo” », Quaderni di Sociologia [Online], 74 | 2017; DOI : 10.4000/qds.1705 URL: ;

Davide Azzolini e Anna Ress, « Quanto incide il background migratorio sulle transizioni scolastiche? », Quaderni di Sociologia, 67 | 2015, 9-27. URL: ;

Debora Mantovani, « Legami e origini », Quaderni di Sociologia, 67 | 2015, 49-81. URL: ; Ivana Acocella, « Un viaggio tra le fonti ufficiali in materia di immigrazione », Quaderni di Sociologia, 67 | 2015, 107-132. URL: ;

Merico, M., Crescenzo, N., Quarta, S. (2019). Training, Recognition and Professionalisation of Youth Workers in Italy: the Contribution of Erasmus+/Youth in Action. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 115-140. doi: 10.14658/pupj-ijse-2019-1-6 in: ;

Salmieri, L. (2019). The Rhetoric of Digitalization in Italian Educational Policies: Situating Reception among Digitally Skilled Teachers. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 11(1), 162-183. doi: 10.14658/pupj-ijse-2019-1-8 in: ;

Marco Gui, « Le trasformazioni della disuguaglianza digitale tra gli adolescenti: evidenze da tre indagini nel Nord Italia », Quaderni di Sociologia, 69 | 2015, 33-55. URL: ;

Marina Micheli, « L’appropriazione di Internet da parte degli adolescenti: tra riproduzione sociale e mutamento culturale », Quaderni di Sociologia, 69 | 2015, 7-32. URL: ;

For Students coming from other Countries: Other options can be considered if the student presents a sociological scientific article discussed and approved by the lecturer in different EU languages such as (but not limited to) English, French or Spanish.